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"Kiss me?" He demanded.
"I-what?" I stuttered
"You know what" he leaned forward. "Kiss me"
I hesitated logic said don't do it your just a porn in his game and he's just manipulating you, it's inappropriate.

However, the daredevil in me was egging me on saying to do it plus he's an attractive bad guy. I leaned forward into his smirking face and pressed my lips against his. Do you know in books when they say you kiss 'the one' you feel fireworks? Well this was more than that; it was like the whole world stopped as we kissed. His lips were surprisingly soft as he licked my lip to gain entrance. I snapped out of my trance and pulled away blushing.
"Darling you look beautiful blushing like that"
I pursed my lips and stood up. "That was inappropriate, Mr J it can't happen again." I say as I walked to the door.
"Can't it? I don't know about you but I personally want to taste those lips again" He called as he stood up from his chair and started to walk towards me. He cornered me against the door, I tried to unlock the it as he came closer. "Don't you want a taste of insanity"
I shook my head as he towered over my frame and whispered in my ear.
"Are you sure?"
"I-I a-am sure" he smirked just as I unlocked the door. I raced out and slammed the door in his face. Faintly, I heard him curse and slam his head into the iron doors.

I closed the door of my office and collapsed into my chair; my heart pounding. How can I be affected by one kiss like this? I've kissed normal, non-psychotic men in my life time and non of them had this effect on me. Why couldn't I fall for someone nice and safe guy that would kiss me every morning; who could set up a stable family with me. But no I had to fall for The Joker; the freaking clown prince of crime. I know he will never love me but I hope he could a least learn to care for me. I can change him. I can.
I was snapped out of my trance by my phone ringing.
(A/n R is Rose; A is Alice)
R: Alice what do you want?
A: Well remember when I went on that date?
R: Yes?
A: Well it went well and we're officially boyfriend and girlfriend
R: That's great who is this guy?
A: Umm well how have you been?
R: Alice? What aren't you telling me?
A: Hope you've been okay look I gotta g.....
R: Alice Trevelian Thorne you tell me what's going on NOW
A: Well he's called Guy Lakes
R: W-wait The Guy Lakes the one who cheated on me in Uni.
A: Kinda
R: Kinda? Alice that man put me through hell and back and now you tell me your going out with him.
A: Rose your overreacting he's changed
R: That's not the point
A: Then why don't you tell me what is the point is since your the expert 
R: I thought you would have more sense than to go out with the guy who broke my heart over and over again.
A: And?
             At this point I was crying
R: Alice your my sister and I thought you would hate him for breaking my heart
A: We love each other, we secretly went out whilst you were with him. Your just a freak with powers not my sister. Bye bye Rose.
She then hung up on me. I leaned forward and cried and cried until I had nothing left. To make myself forget I put in my earphones and played the first song on my playlist.

How could she do such a thing but she was right. I am a freak of nature. I banged my fist on the table and sparks flew out of my fist. I paused sparks? Electricity, my power is electricity.
I walked around my office looking at the pictures of me and my sister. She was always the one to be spoilt and loved by everyone. Me I was the one sat in the corner on Christmas waiting on a gift that would never come. Unlike, little Miss princess I remember what happened that night when my 'parents' died. They were taking me to a research facility to be mentally torn apart to discover my powers. I got angry and the engine blew up I survived but my parents didn't. I claimed to have amnesia and ran far away from my supposed 'family'.

I never thought I would become bad I always thought I could live a normal life. Well if people push and push I shall fall and then rise until I'm the queen of this pathetic city. If I can't be left alone to live a normal life I will live to the fullest evil.

I've had enough of being nice. I was nice and look where that got me. Broken and alone. I looked at myself in the mirror getting closer by the second. There was something in my eyes blue amongst the brown. I ran my hands through my hair and marvelled how it changed into a fully blueish colour.

I remembered the look in her eyes, the joy when I said I almost died

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I remembered the look in her eyes, the joy when I said I almost died. That prissy little princess will get what's coming for her, I'll make sure of it. All I wanted was love and even my own sister no a girl who I've been calling sister can't even seem to love me.
I punched the glass in my anger, bits flying to the floor near me. I turned and grabbed my hair the voices screaming at me to end them all, to destroy the asylum but I couldn't. No matter how angry I will get, I could not bear to take innocent lives.
I got so overwhelmed I screamed and collapsed into darkness hopping to never wake to face my waking nightmare.

In the asylum power failures and electrical faults were occurring due to Rose gaining her powers. And in a cell at the bottom of the asylum a certain Joker heard what was happening. He just laughed and laughed glad his plan might fall into place and he would get out of there.

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