1 - Existence Of Claws

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Ever wondered if our world was made just for humans? Get ready to see things differently. But remember, life is a complex dance where every creature plays its part in the balance of nature. 

There's a delicate harmony between the hunter and the hunted that keeps our ecosystem alive. And believe it or not, powerful beings walk among us, hidden in plain sight - they could be living next door or working in the cubicle across from you. My kind, werewolves, have always stayed out of the human spotlight, living in the shadows to keep old, dark tales from reawakening.

The persistent shadows relentlessly plague us as a consequence of the misjudgments made by our forebears. These grave errors have resulted in the loss of lives and have provoked the ire of nature itself.

We're not so different from you, though. We look like you, we want the same things - power, wealth, love. These desires connect us, narrowing the gap between our secret world and your human one.

Embrace our world of shadows and suffering, contrasted against your bright and futuristic realm.

We've made our homes in the world's most remote places - the icy frontiers of the North Poles. These cold, wild lands are where we can live freely, away from human eyes. 

We belong to the world of myths, and that's where we'd like to stay. Our past is filled with challenges, dating back to when humans first learned we existed, and the echoes of war rang out in untouched lands.

We have a wild instinct that once sparked fear in humans, leading to tragic conflicts where many were lost. The Witch Hunts are a dark reminder of when we were seen as outsiders because we lived in tune with nature.

Then came a disaster in a quiet Norwegian village, attacked by wolves. It left nothing but fear and ruin behind. Rumors spread of evil forces, causing panic and chaos.

At first light, the village was evacuated, driven by fear and rumors. The church called for a crusade to eliminate us. Over three long nights, many of us fell, and our secret was out. As humans pushed into our territories, we fought to protect our place in the world, knowing that if one of us falls, we all fall.

The conflict took many lives, but eventually, we reached a shaky peace. We agreed to step back into legend, to be spoken of but not seen. Though stories of us circulated, few humans ever saw us again. We chose to hide, knowing that fear and hatred were still strong in the human heart. The Northlands promised to keep our lands safe from humans, giving us a place to thrive.

Some of us learned to adapt, blending human and wolf ways to find a new kind of peace. We took lessons from our history and chose a new path. We worked with humans, keeping our side of the stability and contributing to society. This cooperation kept the peace alive.

After the rebellion in Europe, several packs were formed. Many wolf-like creatures migrated to the harsh and unforgiving cold lands of North America. Among them, seven packs rose from the ground up, each carving out their territory and establishing their presence: Black Mountain Pack, Grey Hills Pack, Green Land Pack, Red Moon Pack, Green Canyon Pack, and Golden Eye Pack.

But life is full of surprises, and a new darkness started to creep into our packs, a hidden threat that struck from the shadows. We were desperate to solve this mystery. And this is where Elizabeth Grey's story starts. 

In the human world, a young she-wolf from the Golden Eye Pack spent four years in search of her purpose before she was called back into mysterious world called home. Upon her return to her pack, she ventures on a journey to discover her true self but also uncovers the eerie secrets of our world filled with blood, darkness, and hope.


Present Days...

"Elizabeth!" The sound of my dad's voice cut right through the quiet bubble I was in. Whenever he used my full name, I knew it meant trouble. I was knee-deep in the dirt, planting some new blooms I'd picked up from the store where I used to work, totally lost in my own world.

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