Part 7

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i woke up to the sound of my alarm. after turning it off, i sat up and texted dahyun.

             hey, let me know
            when to be ready!

i put my phone in my pocket and went downstairs to find hongseok eating breakfast. the best part about having chicken and waffles for dinner is it'll be your breakfast for the next morning!
"good morning, y/n," hongseok said. "your plate's on the counter."
"thanks!" i responded. i walked over to the kitchen and heated up my plate. i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. it was a text from dahyun.

ok. i recommend being ready by 11:30.
the earlier the better!

   cool, thanks! meet me at the
front of my house


i exited the app and checked the time. it was 9:30. i told hongseok i was going to take breakfast to my room and ran upstairs. after i finished eating, i took a shower, washed my face, did my hair and makeup and got dressed.
i look at myself in the mirror before checking the time again: 11:00.


i went downstairs and sat in the couch.
"you look nice!" hongseok said.
"thanks! are you gonna do anything while i'm gone?" i asked.
"might've invited a few friends..."
*DinG dOng*
i walk over and answer the door.
"hi jackson! hi vernon! hi mingyu!" they all politely smiled at me.
"is your brother home?" mingyu asked. i nodded and pointed toward the couch. i moved aside and let them enter the house. hongseok has known his friends for a long time, so all three of them view me as a sister. they all gathered around the kitchen counter while i sat back on the couch and called dahyun. she picked up.
"hey, y/n," she answered. "you ready?"
"yup. i'm waiting in the living room."
"alright, i'm almost at your house!"
"okay, see ya in a few!" i hung up and waited. meanwhile, i watched tv. there wasn't anything good on so i kept switching the channel. soon, i heard the bell ring for the second time.
"coming!" i shout as i practically sprinted toward the door. i opened it and saw dahyun's smiling face.
"hey!!" i shouted. dahyun did the same, making a scene in front of the boys as we hugged each other tightly.
"didn't you two just see each other yesterday?" vernon questioned. dahyun immediately let go, her cheeks a light shade of pink.
"well, you two have fun. please be safe," hongseok said. i waved bye, and we were off to the bus stop at the front of the neighborhood.
"so, since i planned all of your dates, i have to tell you what each date will be."
"yay! so what are they?" i asked. we got to the bus stop.
"the first one, on sunday, you'll go to the skating rink."
"with?" i asked.
"you know i can't tell you! you'll find out on each day of the dates."
"alright. here's the bus." the bus pulled up and we hopped on.
"the second date is at the dude's house. he says he really enjoys cooking, so you guys will be making pizza together. cute, right?"
"yea, sounds fun!" i responded. the more dahyun told me, the more excited i got.
"third, you'll go to the park."
"newberry or middle plains?" i asked.
"newberry," dahyun said. "it's less crowded. the fourth will be at the arcade. fifth at edward's, sixth-"
"wait.." i interrupted. "the fancy one, right?" she nodded.
"sixth at the city forum, and seventh..." she trailed off.
"yes?" i said.
"at the club." i felt my jaw drop but i immediately stopped.
"yeah. are you okay with that?" dahyun said.
"i guess i am, but i dunno about my brother."
"true. we can call it off for that one." she picked up her phone and started tapping around.
"wait," i said. she looked back at me. i don't wanna disappoint him. i'll figure something out."
"okay." she put her phone down. "so what would be a good outfit for roller skating?" dahyun and i discussed outfit ideas until the bus got to the mall. we got off the bus and walked toward the front entrance of the mall.
"where to first?" dahyun asked.
"let's go to aeropostale. more casual clothes."
"you got it!" we walked around looking for aeropostale while talking about the first date.
"in my opinion, i think you need to wear some loose clothes. nice and casual atmosphere, nice and casual outfit," dahyun said.
"so maybe jeans and a loose t-shirt?" i asked.
"exactly!" she replied. we got to the store and began to look around.
"you have more of an hourglass shape," dahyun said, looking me up and down. "wider hips and smaller tummy." she began to look frantically through the shorts section. i took a look at the tops.
"hey, dahyun, what about this one?" i held up a flowy and flowery short sleeve.
"ehh.. it's cute, but it's too spring-ish." she went right back to looking at shorts sizes. i looked some more and found a white t-shirt with a red lining on the neck and the ends of the sleeves.
"how about this? with.. this!" i snatched a long sleeve button up shirt from a nearby rack. it was plaid with white and baby blue.
"cute!" dahyun replied. "i should find some dark shorts, since the outfit would be too light without 'em." dahyun used to work here, so she's friends with the employees and gets family discounts. soon, she found a pair of shorts to fit my size.
"excuse me, hey, jeongyeon!" dahyun said, meeting an old friend who worked there.
"it's been a while!" dahyun continued. "how've you been?" i awkwardly fidgeted with the clothes in my hands while they chatted.
finally, dahyun said, "i'm here for my friend y/n. she's going on a date. well, seven actually." i shook my head and smiled.
"well, i see you have some clothes you need to try on. would you like a room?" jeongyeon asked me.
"yes, please!" i answered. she took me to the closest changing room. i could hear dahyun and jeongyueon talking while i got dressed. after i got my clothes on, i took a quick look at myself before i opened the door and showed them my outfit.
"just imagine i'm wearing my black converse," i told them.
"y/n! you look so good!" dahyun responded.
"thanks! should i go with this one?" she signaled me to step out of the changing room.
"move around some." i squatted, bent forwards, backwards, kicked up each leg, lifted my arms, and twisted.
"i think you're good. are you comfy?" jeongyeon asked.
"alright. i'll pay." dahyun unzipped her purse.
"wait don't worry abou-"
"if you let me pay," dahyun whispered. "she'll give me a family discount." she went back to searching through her purse and grabbed her credit card. i thanked her for paying before we left the store. one down, six to go!

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