Chapter One

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I remember it like it was yesterday, it was my first day of high school. I remember being a nervous wreck, freaking out about what to wear, where my classes were, if I was going to be able to get my locker open and not be late to class, and whether I would fit in or not. I laid in bed for a while that morning, I thought about playing sick, but decided against it. 

So I got up and showered, making sure to play my music as loud as it would go. After getting out of the shower, I put on my favorite outfit: a low-cut black T-shirt with a push-up bra (back when I had marshmallows for boobs), ripped skinny jeans, and my maroon converse. I did very sloppy black eyeliner and mascara, "cause that's what the cool kids did." 

I remember taking pictures with my mom, my step-dad, and then all of my sisters. It was such a big day for me, I wanted to remember it. I grabbed my purple,black, and green bookbag and headed out the door. On the way to my school, I was thinking about how great my first year of high school would be. All the friends I would make, which popularity group I would be apart of, if I would have trouble with my locker, and if I would like my classes. My dad pulled into the parking lot, he told me to have a great first day and that he loved me. 

I remember walking into this new building, the lights, how big it was, even the smell was different. It didn't have the mixture of different axe body sprays like the middle school did. It was nice. I went to find my locker, hoping that I would get it open on the first try, I didn't. Once I finally got it open, I re-organized it by classes, each class had its own color. I shut it and went to find my friends. 

I found most of them in the gym, for the Monday morning assemblies, or in our case it was a Tuesday. We all ended up sitting in the wrong section, because nobody explained to us what exactly was happening. It was all so stressful. As I watched all the students piling into the gym, I noticed that it was becoming quite crowded, especially in the freshman section. There were 176 of us, and the section only sat roughly 110. 

I remember as the teachers introduced themselves, they told us what the liked and disliked. The principle explained what the first couple of weeks would be like. They told us it was okay to be nervous, and that it was normal. We sang the fight song a few times as a school, not many freshman new it. I know I sure didn't. They dismissed us and we went to class. My first hour was geometry, I sucked at math. I knew I would struggle throughout the year. Luckily I had this girl Sam in my class, little did I know we would become best friends. 

As the day went on, the classes seemed to go by faster, we didn't do much. We went over syllabus', read over class rules, and then read different page sections of the planner. It was a very boring day, I was so excited to go home and take a nap. Naps kinda became a ritual after school. 

I remember getting home, changing into some comfy ass fuzzy pants, and a big baggy hoodie. I took my ass straight to bed. I remember waking up to the smell of spaghetti and garlic, which at the time was my favorite meal ever. I could've eaten it everyday for the rest of my life. I hopped right out of bed and ran downstairs. My mom had just gotten home from work, we sat and ate, we all talked about our day. After dinner I had to do the dishes. I also had to have my parents fill out a ton of papers for my classes. 

Later on that night, I was getting out of the shower, threw some quick pajamas on, hugged my parents goodnight, and dosed off into a dreamless sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2019 ⏰

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