full in panic mode.

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27 aby.

after the last one year of liberating and saving other neighboring planet the trappian are in full panic. and the rest of their neighboring star system either are full panic and the trappian and their previous separatist ally uses to aid the neighboring star system and the new republic are in unstable mode due to the yuuzhan vong power and influence are powerful enough making republic trooper in fear and high casualties.

tracking down and hunting down the vong with the trappian and its allies are harsh enough as they become much more powerful overtime and yet they had unleash their jedi hunting beast the voxyn for now and their power is much more influencing on everything and the trappian and their allies will not allow the vong to win the war or else the galaxy will be doom.

but no worry's since the trappian had a shipment delivered from Lando calrissian to the trappian. at the hargreave headquarter to use was a yuuzhan vong hunting droid (YVH 1) itself resemble more like the yuuzhan vong just to enrage them seeing their non organic version of them.

the trappian do some test drive with the droid after all the result is the droid itself is fit for battle and the trappian government and the minister of defense decided to order more of this droid to be on their droid army.

meanwhile in the other planet.

the threat of vongspawn has been increasingly being concerned since everytime the vong captured a planet they will vongspawn them using more vong magic mostly by making it turn into fully wild planet or known to plant more organic stuff.

somehow the trappian also research that the vong uses to have an organic droid looking army that actually being made by disease of vong coral when it was put on the victim the infection will be worst in their body making their back body grow more corals and sharper and their mind forces them to serve the yuuzhan vong and worst of them all is according to the trappian they are making like some kind of organic droid or an slave army for their side.

somehow the trappian wanted to help fellow jedi member who are being attack by the voxyn a jedi hunting creature made by the yuuzhan vong shaper. the creature itself was a hybrid of any force user hunting creature of them all.

high tension war has been growing much more unstable due to the vong grow in strength for the last 2 years. as a lot of casualties on war in the new republic side. the new republic has just lost their capital planet coruscant and  supreme overlord shimrra jamaane capture that planet and name it yuuzhan'tar. thus making the planet grows some trees and plant just to make coruscant into their original home planet from their galaxy itself.

meanwhile in hargreave headquarter meeting room floor 50.

in the meeting room dexter deox and some trappian politician and government uses to discuss about how they used to join the diversity alliance back then when the empire is so powerful because they thought it was like separatist 2.0 but in the end they became very anti human and much xenophobic and out of control and they try to review this discussion from a flashback of the diversity alliance. the movement started on ryloth and then spread through every oppressed non human homeplanet to support them from the oppression of the empire and the planet of trapist saw this movement and decided to join but over time after the empire is defeated the party itself became much more broken and corrupt forcing trapist to leave the party.

after discussing the issue they tell that they would uses their old huge private  droid army outer separatist that once uses as a front for a separatist holdouts and now they are being used for one more time against the yuuzhan vong since this year they saw they have been full on panic mode due to fear of them coming to the trapist system and vongspawn the planet.

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