Chapter seven

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Honestly have gotten so much love and support from you guys that I'm gonna try so hard to have steady updates! Just pray that I can actually commit to writing😂 this will take place during episode 3 of season 2!

AGAIN, I DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT OWN ANY RIGHTS TO THE OFFICE! Only Amy! Don't sue me plz

Dun Duuuuuuuuuuuun dun dun dun dun dun

Jim and I were doing our expense reports when I noticed he stopped with a huff. I knew exactly what this was. This was the, "I'm bored so I am going to do everything in the world BUT work," or as we like to say, he "dies of boredom." Now that he has slammed his head on the desk and "died" I have to revive him, which means neither of us are doing any work today. I got up from my desk and refilled both our coffee mugs which gave me the perfect idea. When I brought the coffee back to Jim, I pulled him to Pam's desk. 

"Take these posted notes. Use as many as you need. Your objective is to get more points than Pam. To get a point you must get a ball into Dwight's coffee mug. Understand?" I asked. "Amy, why can't you play with him, I'm trying to work." Pam groaned. "Two things," I started, " One, that's bullshit and we all know it, and two, I already beat Halpert in a basketball game and I want him to actually have a chance." This earned a slight slap on the arm from the sore loser. "Alrighty, ready, set, GO!" I started the game.

The game soon ended with Jim in the lead. "Huh, so as it turns out Jimmy boy actually can win a game..." I said while slowly backing away. "Oh no. You are not getting away from that comment Amy!" Jim started to run after me and I hid behind Stanley. "Stanley, you have always been my father figure, please protect me from that scary man!" Stanley just looked at the both of us and said, "Get the hell out of my space." and continued his work. "Wow, and I thought I had daddy issues before" I said. Jim just put his arm around my shoulders as we laughed while walking back to our desks.

Once we sat down, Dwight came out of Micheal's office and started to pack his stuff. "Aw, Dwight! Are you and Micheal going out on a lunch date?" Jim teased. "Ew, as if. Micheal is way out of my league." When Dwight responded, Jim and I looked at each other. Damn, I thought there was a connection between Dwight and Angela, I must have been wrong. Anyways, apparently they are both going apartment hunting for Micheal and our expense reports are due at the end of the day. 

Jim and I walked over to the accounting clump to ask Oscar a question when we discovered that he and Kevin have a paper football scoreboard that dates all the way back to two years. But alas, we still had work to do, so we did the most responsible thing and played an intense game of Hate-ball (named that because Angela hates it) to which Kevin won. Once we finished the game, Oscar advised us to ask Toby about Dunderball. Who knew everyone in the office had their own game- well everyone but Stanley...

The two of us continued to go from desk to desk trying every game they had in the office. But again, there was still work to do, so we both started to work.............. on decorations for our office olympics. After a very dramatic entrance ceremony from Jim, we explained the rules and the goal for each event. The Olympics had officially started.  Flonkerton (a name Pam made up on the spot) was where two opponents had to race with their feet tied to bundles of paper packs. Phyllis joined the games and challenged Kevin, and the lady won the game. Kevin won the M&M challenge against no one. no one else tried. Also, yes. I was the announcer for the Olympics so I am in announcer mode. For some reason, I can't stop talking like an announcer. help. 

During the Olympics, my throat was dry from announcing stuff so I joined Angela by the water tank. "You know, I have a game of my own." she randomly said. "Oh really?" I asked, "What is it, I'm sure we can work it into the Olympics!" "I call it Amy Pong. I count how many times you and Jim look at each other when the other isn't looking. Just like the game of pong." "Angela, I want to tell you you're wrong, but that really is very similar to the game of Pong, and it will NOT be a part of the Olympics. Jim and I are best friends. Just best friends." I defended. "apparently." She said while I walked away. 

That got me thinking. Do I have feelings for Jim? No, he's my best friend. He's lazy, he never works, he is super intelligent if he just applied himself, he is so silly but he always makes me smile even if I don't want to and he just brightens my day- oh no. I think i'm catching feelings...

(Yes I love that song :)) When I got back, Stanley had H-O-R and Phyllis had H-O and she delivered a great one liner to Jim. "Are you calling me a hoe?" Whatever Jim said I couldn't hear because I was too busy looking at his smile when she said that hysterical line.  After that Ryan won his first game, and I sat down to make paper cranes for the closing ceremony. When I finished, I looked to Jim who happened to turn his head away. I looked up and saw Angela write down something on a piece of paper. That damn small, beautiful lady needs to mind her own business. When I showed Jim my finished product he got so excited and I couldn't help but smile back. His happiness is just contagious. 

In the middle of the coffee race, the two party poopers walked in and everyone but Jim and I sat back at their desks like nothing happened. The disappointment in Jim's voice as he said, "Guys? Timer is still going" made me take action. I patted his head and lead him back to our desks. As Jim was finishing his expense reports, I noticed Ryan throw away the medals I worked so hard on. Do you know how long it took me to put together that many yogurt lids and paper clips??? Like two minutes. It took me longer the eat the yogurt than to make the medals...

As Jim sat staring at the medal on his desk, I got my plan together. I got every Olympic participant to meet for the closing ceremony; I set up the paper cranes I made and even invited Micheal and Dwight because why not, they looked sad. When Jim walked in to find the closing ceremony actually happen, everyone could see the surprise on his face. I asked Dwight to step up on the third place box, Micheal to the second place and Jim to the first place. I pressed play on the cd player and it played the star spangled banner and we ended the office olympics. Jim just gave me the brightest smile I had ever seen. While everyone was leaving, I told Jim that I would just meet him at my house because I forgot to grab something at my desk. The truth is that I had to do my expense report...

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