Chapter 3

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(AN gues wot guys i got a hary pottter necklice for my brtihday and its black and the deth;y hallows and its so pretty lololololol anWAYS back to the storey lolololol)

So hary and i are dating and we love eech other so much and we go every where togteher. I yelled at al my teechers and they put me in the sam clases as hary so we coold hold hand s in class and when ever sombody tryed to tel us to do some thing sepratly i just glaered at them and they ran away becuz my red eye's and thik black eye liner probly scared them off becuz they are scarey. And we did every thing togethrer even went to hogs meed together and got butter bear togetherr. It waas so good and then when we had butter beer hary kised me agan and every one was like sooooooo jelus becuz hary is soooooo hot!!! But then I said "ha suckrz hary is mine and if you even trie then i wil fite you' and I hisesd at them lolol. But we didn t even talk becuz i am telephath and i can heer hary and he say nice things about me all the teiem. Eve dubmyldor couldnt even heer us and so i turned out to be mor power full than dubmlydor the grate wizzard of the world. ..!

Then i got a pet snaek and slo went every were with it and it was on my sholders like a big flufy booa thing tha little kidds get when they ar five (A/n I hav one and it is big and blak and i look lik mor of a goth wen i wear it becuz that is wat i am lolololol) and slo named it Hounds Tooth because it has big fangz and slo decide to get big fangz to so i went to the stor and got slo teeth changes so slo looke d like a vampire and thn hary kissed slo agan but her teth poke d his mouth and he got blood al over!!! But he likced it up and "its good" he said becuz he is a goth liek me.

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