He cowers when the television voices are loud;
the abused dog never barks,
distances himself from any food left on a low table,
The abused dog is never persuaded.
The abused dog never barks,
hides when you come through the window.
The abused dog is never persuaded
you've locked yourself out, forgotten the key.
'Hides when you come through the window;
the abused dog cannot be curious.
You've locked yourself out, forgotten the key.
The abused dog hides the dog in himself.
The abused dog cannot be curious,
misconstrues never being beaten.
The abused dog hides the dog in himself,
cancels his tail between his legs or lets it lie low.
'Misconstrues never being beaten;
he cowers when the television voices are loud,
cancels his tail between his legs or lets it lie low.
The abused dog is never persuaded.
Running with the Dog (Atty)
PoetryPerhaps it should read "walking" but that seldom happens. A series of dog poems in many forms: haiku, tanka, cinquain, haibun, pantoum, modern sonnet, sestina, free verse, glosa, and a rhyming poem.