3-Subway boy!

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Riley, Maya and Taylor were at their lockers just heading to their first class when Riley turned to Maya

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Riley, Maya and Taylor were at their lockers just heading to their first class when Riley turned to Maya. "Did you have trouble with the homework?".

"Piece of cake." Maya replied shrugging. Taylor rolled her eyes at the blonde whilst unzipping her bag.

"You didn't do it, did you?" Riley questioned as Taylor rummaged through her bag for something. Maya stopped and turned to the twins. Shaking her head, she said, "I don't even know where my books are.

Taylor, seemingly finding what she was looking for, pulled out some books, handing them over to Maya. "They're here. And they're heavy." Taking the books, the Hart girl walked into the class.

"You have to do the homework, Maya. This teacher's insane," Riley started. "A total nut job." Taylor continued, as they walked into the classroom, only for them to end together, "We think there's something seriously wrong with him.".

They stopped at the front. Their dad stood smiling at the girls. "Hi, honeys." He greeted them.

"Hi, Daddy." Riley said as Taylor nodded with a quiet "Hey".

"You're late to your father's class." Cory said to his daughters. Taylor looked at Maya, expecting her to have planned ahead. "Oh, don't worry, Mr. Matthews, you wrote them a note."
"I did?"
"You did." Maya confirms.
"You did." The twins say together. Handing the note, Taylor smiled innocently like the angel she was. At least in her parents' eyes.

"The twins' are late. Deal with it. Oh, you got my signature down pretty good this time." Cory nodded at Maya in an approval sought of way. Shrugging slightly, she responded, "Oh it was easy, you write like a girl."

They took their seats, Taylor in the middle. "Okay, let me get back to jamming some learning in your heads, The Civil War." Cory changed the subject.

"The Civil Bore." Maya announced as the middle Matthews child daydreamed about Lucas and whether she would see him.

Hating herself for it, she tried to focus on something more important (like Marvel comics or Harry Potter) but just couldn't. It annoyed her that he was invading her brain.

"Thank you, future Mini-Mart employee of the month." Taylor snapped out of it when she heard her father speak.

"Would I be making more money than you?" Maya questioned with a small smirk.

"The Civil War! Anybody?" Her father repeats, trying to cover up the fact that Maya was right. Taylor chuckled as her twin answered, "A war we fought against ourselves."

Both father and daughter turned to the Matthews girl, shocked. "What?" Taylor asked.
"You actually studied it?" Her father continued before they looked at each other. "This is new!" Taylor exclaimed.

"No, I'm actually living in it!" Riley said as her head fell to the table. "Moments over!" Taylor says copying her twin's actions.

"People, people, are we here to learn or not?" Farkle, one of the biggest flirts-but also the three girls' best friend-spoke up from his spot. "What do you mean, Farkle?" Mr Matthews questioned the boy. "I've been in love with Riley since the first grade. But I'm also equally in love with Maya. Some might say the great mystery of the universe is who's gonna be the first Mrs. Farkle," he explained once again. Taylor looked at her nails, hearing that about twice everyday.

Maya turned to him, "You don't want this,". His only response was a smile of sorts, "Bring it on," Riley turns to the other girls. "I always thought that he'd wind up with back-of-the-class Brenda," Brenda waved when everyone turned. "Yuck!" Farkle commented and Taylor kicked him. Mr Matthews decided to speak up, "Actually, the great mystery of the universe is how you can love two women the same who couldn't possibly be more different,"

"Yeah, how?" Taylor agreed, turning to the boy. "We're not so different," the other Matthews girl spoke at the same time. "May I overstep my bounds, sir?" Farkle had raised his hand and ignored the two girls. "You always do," the two switched places. Farkle turned the 'Mr Matthews' side to the one that said 'Farkle'.

When he faces the class, he began to explain, "Riley, is the sun. Warm and bright and lights up my whole day. Maya, is the night. Dark and mysterious. And the night has always been a mystery to me. Because I go to bed at 7:30. How can I love these two different women? How can I not? Thank you, I am Farkle!" He took a bow and Taylor clapped and cheered. "Brilliant!" She said as she laughed lightly.

Her dad switched back with the boy and began to teach, "So, we were indeed trying to find out who we were, as a people. Who am I? What should I be? History shows that bad things happen when you don't know who you are," That was obviously someone's cue as they walked in through the door of the classroom.

Taylor's eyes widen as her father says to him, "Who are you? I don't know who you are," He was here. Lucas was here. "Subway boy," Riley teased her sister excitedly as Maya smirked. "I'm Lucas Friar, from Austin, Texas," Lucas handed a note to the teacher as Taylor had a small mental breakdown. He was actually here. Like actually, actually.

"Oh. New student, Mr. Friar?" Cory Matthews was completely unaware of his daughter's state. "Yes, sir," Lucas hadn't realised she was there yet and she honestly thought about running. She was so embarrassed when she fell onto him. Twice. Maya!

"Great. You're just in time for today's assignment. Have a seat," Taylor cursed herself for where she sat. Now he was sitting behind her and she could do nothing about it. She slowly faced the boy with a smile. He only smiled back. "Okay, so we..." her father turned her head back round before she could say anything. "So, I'd like you guys to open your books to page 48. Now, I'd like you to turn to page 1. Now, I'd like you to read from page 1 to 48," everyone groaned except Taylor, Farkle and Lucas. "Oh, too bad on you. Okay, so for tonight's assignment, I'd like you to write me a three page essay on anything. Anything at all, that you guys believe in so strongly, you fight for it,"

"That!" A idea was starting to form in Maya's head and Taylor could only be worried. "I'd fight for no homework. I come here every day; why can't you teach me everything I need to know while I'm here," Riley raised her hand as she cheered, "Woo!" Taylor turned to her sister and copied her actions only changing the words. "Not woo!"

"He gets our days, let's take back our nights. No homework, more freedom!" She turned to the class as she called, "Who's with me?" As a group most of the class begin to chant, "No homework, more freedom! No homework, more freedom! No homework, more freedom!" That's when Maya turns to Riley. She knows there's no point in turning to Taylor but she knew Riley cared, "This is it, kid. You wanna be like me? Stand up," Maya begins to chant with everyone else again, "No homework, more freedom! No homework, more freedom! No homework, more freedom!"

Riley goes to stand up and Cory rushes over to his oldest child. "What are you doing?" He asks as his eyes widen in slight surprise. "I'm making a choice about who I want to be, about whose world I want it to be," she stands up for herself and Taylor buts in. "Riley, I know you. You know exactly who you are," the twins look at each other and the younger one's eyes begged her sister to listen.

"Then who am I, Tay?" Riley used the nickname from when they were little. "You're just like me," Cory butted in at that moment and Taylor looked down knowing they were the wrong words and Riley was sure to rebel now. Taylor knew she was going to get up and leave and the girl completely blamed her father.

"Oh, yeah? Would you do this?" Riley stands up and starts chanting. "No homework, more freedom! No homework, more freedom!" She faces the boy a few desks away, "Farkle, are you with us or not?" She chants once more, leaving the classroom. "No homework, more freedom! No homework, more freedom!"

Farkle stands up and turns back and forwards between the two options. "My education? Or my women? My education? Or my women? My education? Or my women?" He stops as he speaks to Cory who moves to the spot behind him. "Oh, it's happening again, sir," Cory caught the boy who had fainted.

"Welcome!" Taylor turned to the boy behind her and the two shared a smile.

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