Hungry for More...

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The once buzzing city is now quiet as you and bobby drive back to the house. "That party was incredible!" bobby says as he beams towards you "I can't believe noah did that flip dive into the pool from the second balcony". With your body turned slightly towards him, you reply "I know! I wish we didn't have to leave." You both sit there in silence as you remember the party. The food, the drinks, the jokes and even the part where for

7+ minutes; you and bobby were in heaven. "I wish this night could never end" you say. Your head leans low a bit, wishing those moments couldve lasted longer. Bobby sits with his hands on the car wheel. The car comes to a stoplight and without a hesitation, he suddenly jerks the car in another direction. "Bobby!" you whine "where are you going? My house is down this street-" before you finish bobby cuts in to explain "whoever said we HAVE to go home yet? You dont want this night to end as much as me." For a moment you both sit there. Hes got a good point. "Okay, where are we going?" you ask. A small smirk forms on his face as he says "you'll

see." For the rest of the car ride, you spend the time with each other. Listening to music, telling jokes and the occasional silence when you look out in the distance to see the night sky. The drive was rather long, but Glasgow wasn't too far from where you lived. Bobby pulls the car up to the back of the hospital building. "Wont you get in trouble for this?" you ask, looking for any signs of security. Bobby chuckles as he looks at you "No way! Not if they want to lose their best Baker." Without another word, you both head towards the back of the building. "Well.. maybe we should try to be a little quiet. Just in case." bobby whispers. He pulls out the

keys and opens the door for you to walk inside. The kitchen was huge! Maybe not as big as Noah's house, but it definitely makes an echo as you walk inside. Bobby shuts the door behind you both and then walks towards you, placing a hand on your lower back. "Well, you hungry?" He asks with a big grin on his face. Bobby begins pulling out ingredients, along with some pots and pans. "What can i make you, babe?" He asks, throwing on his apron that says 'Dont hate me, until you bake me'. You giggle at the apron, and reply "whatever you like babe. I want to see the chef bobby special." Bobby oohs as he begins to think, and jumps with

excitement as he piles ingredients together. You watch for a moment and then ask "anyway i can help?" He looks up from his work and gives you a small smirk "of course you can! Come here, babe. You can help knead the dough." You walk over to his side, grabbing a pair of gloves on the way. He plants a small kiss on your cheek as he pulls you into position. Bobby pressed his body against your back as he moves his hands across your arms. "So you have to get the dough and flour evenly through. So you take your hands..." bobby guides them as you feel the dough with your hands. Gently he caresses them,

moving them slowly up and down to help show you. "Think you got it?" He asks. His voice behind you is almost a low hum that sends chills running down your spin. You concentrate on the warmth from his chest and the gentle touch of his hands. He moves his hands from your arms to your shoulders, kissing your neck as they move. "Im sorry, am i distracting you?" he asks. His voice in a seductive tone makes you turn your body towards him. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss. His lips find yours as he pulls you close by the waist. For a moment, you both stand there.

Enjoying each others presence before he pulls away to whisper "or i can just eat you instead.." You both chuckle before pulling in for another kiss. Suddenly you hear his stomach rumble and both pull away. His face full of embarrassment as he looks at you. "Or we can just eat." You say with a smile, kissing his cheek before returning to the dough. He reluctantly walks towards the stove to begin. Glancing at you occasionally as the night goes on. After your done, he takes the dough and begins to organize each piece into a danish. He glances at you once more and chuckles "You've got dough all over you babes."

With no mirror you ask "where?" Bobby then takes a spoon of jam and places it right on your nose. "There" he says. The strawberry scent hits your nose as you shake your head. "Oh yeah?" you say, with a smirk you take the spoon from his hand and spread the sticky strawberry jam across his cheek, a little dripping down his neck. Without a second to waste you both begin to chase each other around the kitchen. Flinging food from one end to the other. Flour spread across the floor and jam in almost every corner of the room. Bobby goes to fling one more piece of jam before he trips and falls straight on top of you.

You both take a moment before bursting into laughter. He takes another look at you and kisses you passionately, placing a hand underneath your chin. For a moment everything fades. Its just you and him. The way things should be. He pulls back slowly "you taste like jam." Smiling, you pull each other back in for another soft and sweet kiss. His hands linger over your thighs as they gently move towards your waist. Your arms wrap around his neck as he lays you on your back. The kissing intensifies as you wrap your leg around his. His hand moves back to your face and your hand tugs on his shirt.

With a swift movement, bobby groans and picks you up off the floor, placing you on top of the counter. "Wait.." you manage "we don't have a condom." He clicks his teeth "your right," bobby suddenly forms a devilish smirk "but i am still hungry." He kisses you again with his warm tongue filling the edges of your mouth. He pulls off your shirt and begins to kiss you from the neck down. You lay on your back as you watch him continue. His tongue dancing between his lips as he pulls down your pants. Taking your panties and giving them a slight pull before licking the outter layer. You close your eyes, biting back any moans trying to escape.

Bobby continues to move his warm tongue in circular motions, and occasionally taking you in by the mouth. Your hands search for something to hold when he takes your hands and holds them. That alone lets out a short moan, escaping from you. He continues until your body can no longer take anymore. He takes to fingers, licks them and beings thrusting them into you. Using his thumb to massage the outter edges. You pull yourself forward and find his lips. You can taste yourself on his lips until you can only taste him. His other hand gently placed on your back as his other continues to thrust.

You hold back your head as each thrust sends another rush through your body. His lips find your neck and eventually your breasts. With a final moan, he thrusts once more and pulls out. Kissing you as your body begins to relax. Your lips find each other and your hands cup his face, slowly moving onto his shoulders. "Holy fuck, Bobby." You manage. He chuckles "Sorry, you just taste so good." You giggle along with him before being pulled into another kiss. He helps you off the counter and you pull your shirt back on which is now covered in jam and flour. He looks at you and huffs a laugh "Maybe we should just grab some fast food."

You shake your head and playfully send a soft punch to his arm. You both turn to loom back at the kitchen, which is now a total disaster. "I guess we should start cleaning. Think your stomach can hold out?" You ask. "Well duh!" He replies "i just had a snack." You laugh at his joke before following him towards the cleaning supplies. It takes you both a moment, but eventually everything gets back to its original condition. "Thank god," you start "i thought those jelly stains on the stove would never come out." Bobby comes to stand by you, holding your hand as you both go to leave "Oh it came alright."

Your laughs echo as the back door closes and you both head home. With sticky clothes and somewhat empty stomachs.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2019 ⏰

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Hungry For More (A Highschool Reunion Sequel) NSFWWhere stories live. Discover now