Chapter 7: Baby

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Two years later

After Mina told Jimin about Cheng Xiao and Junseo, they became closer than before. Mina was more open to Jimin and told him about her troubles. They work everything out but it wasn't easy. They had some arguments but like any relationship, they work things out. As years went by Mina was making a name for herself. She inspired a lot of people with her story. She was working hard to become the best ballerina.

"Jimin..." Mina didn't know how to tell him.

"Yes," He embraced her into her arms.

"We're having another baby," Mina said excitedly.

"What? Really?" Jimin started to kiss her.

"Yes, I went to the doctor to confirm it. We're having another baby."

Jimin picked her up and spin her around. He couldn't stop smiling, the family is growing and he was happy with that. He couldn't wait to tell Kyubok that he's going to be a big brother.

"It's time to celebrate," Jimin said.

Nine months later

"Push more," Jimin said.

"PUSH MORE?!" Mina looked at Jimin angrily.

"She's almost here," the doctor said.

Mina screamed one last time when she heard her baby cry she let go of Jimin's hand and relax. She was catching her breath, the doctor wrap Akira with a blanket and handed her to Mina. Mina's eye teared up when she felt her daughter warmth. 

"She's beautiful," she smiled.

After hours later everyone came with balloons and teddy bears to see Akira. Everyone was happy about seeing Akira, but except for one person Kyubok. He frowned when he saw his baby sister.

"I wanted a brother," he mumbled. "It's a war between us."

"Kyubok," Sana picked him up. "Look at your baby sister," Sana squeak when Akira smiled at her.

"She looks like I monkey, did I look like that when I was born?" Kyubok looked at Sana.

"Newborns always look like that," Sana whispered back.

"Good thing I'm a toddler now," Kyubok said proudly.

"Kyubok," Sana laughed.

"Kyubok do you want to hug your baby sister?" Mina said.


Sana put him down, Jimin carried Akira and went down to Kyubok's height. Kyubok opened his arms and hugged her. Jimin smiled when Akira half-smile, Jimin got up after Kyubok let go.

"Mama, I'm still your favorite right?" Kyubok asked Mina.

"Kyubok are you jealous?" Mina chuckled.

"Yes, I'm still a toddler and I need affection."

"A smart one too," Jimin added.

"We're going to love both of you equally. Kyubok from now on you have to protect your baby sister. If any guys try to flirt with her-"

"Jimin," Mina interrupted him. "Have that talk when he's a little bigger."

"I was just saying. Plus you never if they flirt in baby language," Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Stop acting childish," Mina shook her head.

"Kyubok do you want to go downstairs and get food?" Sana suggested.

He nodded.

When Sana opened the door she saw Joshua. She got startled by him, she and Kyubok exited the room. Joshua came in and saw Jimin looking at Mina while holding the baby.

"You're here," Jimin said to him.

"I wanted to see her," Joshua smiled at Akira. "She definitely got her looks from her mom," he chuckled.

"Thank you," Mina said.

"Before your grandpa passed away he told me to give you this," Joshua handing her a heart necklace. "Inside there's a picture of your family."

"Thank you... but why are you giving me this after two years later?" Mina question.

"He said after you get birth to your second child I need to give it to you. Somehow he knew you were having a second child, maybe he went to a shaman."

"Probably, Thank you, Joshua," Mina said.

"Take care, here are my flowers for Akira and money to buy her baby stuff."

"You really don't have to," Mina said.

"Bye Mina."

"Finally Kyubok and Akira are asleep," Jimin yawned.

"I'm going to sleep too. I need to rest," Mina closed her eyes.



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