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The next morning, Mai woke up half an hour earlier than she usually would

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The next morning, Mai woke up half an hour earlier than she usually would. That was probably because she immediately went to bed, when she came home yesterday, after having an appointment with her model agency. As she had more time now, she put on her workout clothes and grabbed her yoga mat. She rolled it out and started with some meditation and later continued with a small gentle workout.

After that, Mai went into her bathroom, took a short shower and applied her usual "makeup routine". Mascara and some natural eyeshadow. After going through her clothes and finally picking out her outfit after good twenty minutes, she looked at herself in the big vintage mirror. Most of her furniture, was bought vintage or at least looked like it. Mai had developed a liking for stuff looking like it came out of another century, especially barock.

She smiled at her refelction. This was going to be a good day. Her daily mantra. Telling herself this every morning, led her to immediately start the day more positive and happy. Mai looked one last time at herself, examining her outfit. She was wearing a black body with a pair of white wide pants, which she combined with a see-through belt and her everyday silver necklaces, rings and bracelet. As well as her favourite black plateau boots. Slowly going downstairs, she grabbed her bag and a big pair of sunglasses.

"Good Morning." Mai greeted. When she came downstairs, she saw her brother sitting at the table, eating his breakfast, and smiled at him.

"Morning." He replied bored, without looking up at her.

"Are you still mad at me?" Mai curiously asked Si, while giving him a back-hug.

"No..." He sighed. "You know I can't be mad at you for so long. Are you driving with me today?" Si turned around, looking at his sister.

"Yes! Just let me get some breakfast and then I'm coming." She told him, while making her way over to the big kitchen counter to her right. She made herself an iced coffee, which she put into her coffee-jar. After also grabbing her overnight-oats from the fridge, she went outside and got into Si's car.

Arriving at Ming De's big campus, Mai saw Shan Cai and another girl standing in front of it. After telling Si, to already go inside and meet the boys, she slowly walked up to them. Shan Cai held out a small cake to the girl.

"Hey, good morning." Mai kindly smiled at them. "Is today your birthday?" She asked the girl, whose name was unknown to Mai.

"Yes! Indeed it is." Shan Cai answered for the girl. "Mai, this is my friend Li Zhen. Li Zhen, this is Mai. The girl Caijie told us about. From F4."

Li Zhen smiled friendly at Mai. She looked a bit shy.

"Nice to meet you Li Zhen. And happy birthday!" Mai held out her hand to Li Zhen, who shook it. "But I have to get going now. Bye bye." She smiled brightly and waved at both of them, making her way inside to look for the boys.

𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈;   Hua Ze LeiWhere stories live. Discover now