TAG 6!!!

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Hi, hello, bonjour, Hola, namaste! How are you all? I've been MIA from writing for a while now, but life is happening. I've started my university and damn, it is something.
Anyway, this tag has been created by my dearest Chuchi aka Khushi aka big19boss and she has tagged me. So here we go.

 So here we go

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1. Describe your favourite sleeping position.
I don't have a particular sleeping position, but I do sleep on either of  my sides. One hand is generally under the pillow and another curled against my chest holding the blanket. I swear it's heaven. I do not sleep on my stomach because I get uncomfortable.

2. What's the most silly thing you have cried for?
I once cried for a pencil box (the one with magnets and all) in the middle of a shopping complex and my parents told me that they're not going to buy it since I cried and created a chaos. Though, they got me another one.

3. A blessing in disguise?
Maybe wattpad. I've found so many awesome friends here.

4. One person who can read your mind to a certain extent?
I actually tell a part of me to each of my friends, and even though they say that I'm an open book, no one has been able to read me completely. But big19boss, iram_95 and bloomatdusk can do a part of it, except my parents, of course.

5. If you could make one rule which should be followed universally, what would it be?
I am not sure about it, but it would be something about travelling. Maybe lessen the charges or something like that because I wanna roam the whole world.

6. Last song you sung to someone other than yourself?
Not a person who would sing to others. I am more of a bathroom singer. Though, the last song I heard was Miss You by Louis Tomlinson.
Baby I Miss You ❤️

7. Three things you can't live without?
Food, water, air?

8. Most annoying habit you can't seem to tolerate?
I don't like when people have self-hate issues. I mean you are you and you don't need to be someone else for a person to like you or love you. You are the best version of yourself and if someone has a problem with that, they can go to hell.

9. One book that changed your belief on something?
It has to be 'The Fault in our Stars'. My friends say I'm obsessed with it, but the thing is that I actually felt all of it. I realised so many things.
Firstly, things can happen unexpectedly and out of the blue. You are never too ready to face them and so it's better to enjoy the present.
Secondly, I strengthened my belief on love. That book taught me what love actually means and how it can pull you out from the dark dungeons of life.
Thirdly, it made me realise that hoping to meet after death is an illogical concept. You can't meet a lost person while you're living, so meeting after death is like dreaming to become a fairy. Thus, what is important is that instead of worrying that whether you'll meet a person in the life after death or not, enjoy the moments with that person while you're living.
(That was long)

10. First ever movie you watched in theatre?
I am not a movie person so I've been to the theatre just twice. The first one was a bad experience. I watched Peepli live (damn) and second one was Jurassic World. So I consider that I've been to the theatre just once to watch Jurassic World. The first one never happened. Lmao. 😂

Bonus Questions:
> Perfect date setting
For more details, read the date scene in my book 'The Saga of Love and Friendship'. Lmao. 😂
Anyway, it should be in a peaceful environment with maybe music playing in the background (can I say that it should be in NYC? 😂). But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter if I was on the terrace of my house with my guy lying down on the floor, fingers intertwined, eyes on the stars, hearts on our sleeves and talking about anything and everything.

> What is the quality you desire for in your life partner?
I give the most importance to loyalty and honesty, because it is the base of any relationship.
If we talk about physical qualities, then I would love to have a man whose eyes speak and whose hair are such that I can run my hand through them.

Okay, so that's it. Now my tags are

Apologies if I missed out someone. You're free to tag your friends too.

PS: The new cover attached above is so awesome and has been designed by a more awesome person aka @Puppybhai. I loved it! ❤️

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