19 | Care to Dance?

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The pack finds themselves in a crowded bar. Christmas decorations cover the building as people gather at the different tables and toast the holidays; in the center, people dance around wildly. At the bar, two familiar women sit with their own drinks. "To Amy!" Lexi says, raising her drink with a large smile. "Finally done with schooling."

Amy raises her own glass of red liquid. "Finally!" She clangs her glass against Lexi's before she downs the drink. "I can't believe I am done!" She groans, leaning back in her seat. "No more homework. No more teachers. And no more idiots!"

Lexi nods along, her eyes moving over to the dance floor. As Amy continues talking, her gaze falls on a man in the center of the bar, his piercing blue eyes watching her like a hawk. Sweeping his dark hair out of his eyes, the man smirks at her, pushing out his chiseled chin.

Lexi scoffs, turning back to Amy. The brunette has an eyebrow raised. "You gonna go talk to him?" She asks.

"No," Lexi waves her hand. "Tonight is about you, not some random man who's hair makes me want to vomit."

"Aw, why?" Amy glances over at the man to see him moving through the dancers. Most women pull him closer, rubbing against him, not that he seems to mind. "It's cute."

"That hair went out of style ages ago," Lexi says, raising her full glass to her lips. "It stopped when humanity created scissors."

Amy bites her bottom lip, raking her eyes down the man's body. "He's still hot."

"Oh, shush, you are married."

"Married?" The rough voice makes both girls turn. Standing before them is the man—sweat clings to his skin and clothes, outlining the muscles hidden beneath. "Bet I'm better."

Lexi purses her lips as she crosses her legs. Leaning back against the bar, she says, "Back off, love. She's taken. No need for me to beat your ass."

The man raises his hands. "No need for that," he says with a growing smirk. "But if she's taken, what about you?"

Rolling her eyes, Lexi replies, "I don't need a man in my life. They disappoint me."

He chuckles to himself, leaning forward so that his lips brush against her cheek. "I won't." He pulls back as a shiver goes down Lexi's spine. "What's your name?"

Lexi looks away with a smile. "I don't think you've earned my name yet."

"Yes, he has," Amy says, nodding vigorously. "Yes, yes, he has. What's your name, by the way, mister tall, dark, and handsome?"

Watching from behind the bar, Peter rolls his eyes and clenches his jaw. "Typical Amy. Now I see where she got it from."

The man takes Amy's hand with a smirk. "I'm Damon," he says. "Why don't you tell me your friend's name? Otherwise, I'll never know."

"Eliza," Lexi says before Amy can open her mouth. The wolf frowns as Lexi bats Damon's hand away. "My name is Eliza."

"Well, Eliza." Damon offers his hand with a wide smirk. "Care to dance?"

Glancing at Amy, Lexi shakes her head. "She would love to," Amy says, practical pushing the Original out of her chair. "Have fun!" Amy shouts as Lexi glares at her. "I'll see you later."

Before she can question it, Damon drags her to the center of the dance floor where people rush up to both of them. As Damon begins to dance, Lexi crosses her arms. "Oh, come on," Damon says, taking her hands in his. His arm wraps around her waist and tugs her closer to him. "Live a little."

"I've lived for almost a thousand years," she breathes, her nose brushing against his. "I know how to have fun. You are, what, a hundred?"

"Nice guess," Damon says with an impressed frown. "I always had a thing for older women." In the pulsing lights, his fangs pop out of his gums, shining in the dim club. "How'd you know what I am?"

Veins pulse on Lexi's cheeks as her canines slide out. "We're both monsters of the night, Damon." She smirks as she nips at his nose. "I think we're gonna have some fun, don't you?"


Disheveled and holding her heels, Lexi gently shuts the door to the Hale house closed behind her. She presses her back against the door with her lip between her teeth and a smile on her face. She can hear two heartbeats in the kitchen as she drops her heels on the couch.

"Home already?" Amy teases as Lexi walks in. The original shrugs as she grabs instant coffee from the cabinet. "My, you look happy."

As Lexi turns, Talia already has a cup of coffee in her hand, waiting for Lexi to take it. She smiles gratefully as Talia says, "Good night?"

"Eh," Lexi replies, sitting next to Amy. "Met a vampire. Lied about my name. The usual."

Talia narrows her eyes. "Will we be seeing this vampire anytime soon?"

"That's the best part," Lexi smirks as she leans over the counter. "He's leaving town tomorrow. We'll never see that man again."

Talia shakes her head as Lexi drinks the coffee. "You do know it's ok to form attachments, right?"

Waving her hand, Lexi scoffs. "I don't need anyone but you." Her expression falls as she looks deep into the coffee cup. "Besides, vampires can be compelled. Wolves cannot. At least, not by him."

Amy frowns. "Who are you talking about?"

Lexi stays silent for a moment before she forces a smile back on her face. "No one you need to worry about."

Hey, Damon. What's up? Haven't seen you in a while :). Hope you enjoyed!

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