chapter 49

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"Tori. You look beautiful, I can't believe this.. it's going to be so fun!"

Tori smiles and her eyes fill with tears as she looks at us both in the mirror.

"They're getting married Bambi, finally, this is what they've always wanted" she wipes under her eye and calms her face down.

"Its so exciting, is Luke here?" I ask and she nods.

"Yes, he's here too.. do you think we'll get married one day?" She asks me and yes. I do. I really think that tori and Luke will get married.

But right now. It's our dad's turn.

"Girls are you ready?" Dad asks as he comes to get us. He smiles at us and I've never seen him looking so good.

"Dad you look stunning" tori says and walks to hug him.

"Thanks, you two look beautiful, lets go, get ready to walk down the isle" he says and I can hear the nervousness in his voice.

Me and tori leave to begin to walk down the isle, where as we walk down together, papa is at the end smiling waiting for dad.

Then the music starts and everyone stands up, tori is already crying.

Eventually our dad makes it to the alter with papa, where they join hands and the room goes quiet.

Tori squeezes my hand as she watches through teary eyes. Our grandparents, family, friends, Jake and Luke and the rest of my dads band, all watching.

They go through a lot before they get to the rings and Sophia and liams daughter, Madelyn, walks carefully to them both with the rings. My dad in almost fully fledge tears as papa slides the ring on his finger.

I see papa whisper to him 'I love you' and it's too cute. Wow.

"You may now kiss your husband" the priest guy says and that does it for tori, she just cries and loses her shit and all I can do is smile widely as my parents share a swift kiss followed by cheers and a few tears.

"Everyone, go get ready for the after party in a few hours! Lets go Girls" my dad's grin doesn't leave his face as he stares at his finger.

The rest of the wedding guests leave the room and me, tori, dad and papa share a group hug.

My dad crying.

"Are you ok dad?" I laugh and hug him tightly.

"Yeah, im just.. I couldn't be happier! I love you all so much" another tear leaving his eye.

"I love you too dad" tori says and engulfs him in a bone crushing hug.

"What about you papa?" I ask and we all turn to face him

"I'm the happiest I've ever been absolutely ever!" He says pulling my dad closer again and pecking his nose.

"Lets go to our hotel and get ready for the after party everyone!" My dad and papa link fingers as they leave the room with me and my sister in tow.



I can't stop crying. I need to stop but I can't.

"Niall love.. stop crying, I know you're happy, I am too, sooooo happy but all you're doing is crying" Harry laughs as he pulls me into his warm embrace.

"I cant help it.. 15 years ago all Niall wanted was to just kiss you once and now I just married you, you have no idea how happy I am" I start to cry again and he just awwws pulling me even closer.

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