Midnight-October 31, 1860

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I gaze longingly at the man across from me, his skin as smooth as porcelain and his eyes as deep as the ocean. I lick my lips, watching as he lifts the glass of dark red wine to his mouth and takes a long gulp. My eyes follow his every movement, cataloguing the way he sets the glass down with a gentle thump on the coffee table and smooths his tie as he lifts one leg and rests it at the ankle on the opposite thigh.

"Miss Thistle, I'm sure you haven't invited me over for simple small talk and a glass of wine, as delicious as it may be and as lovely as I find your charming company. I'm afraid my schedule for tomorrow is a bit full, and I'd rather not be tired for my appointments."

I wait a moment before responding to Dr. Jacobs, petting the large head of my wolfish hound, Mozart, that's resting in my lap as I ponder how I want to respond. "Yes, Dr. Jacobs," I finally say slowly, gesturing for Mozart to leave us and go wait for me in the corner of the dark room illuminated faintly by the various candelabras adorning the walls. "I wouldn't want to see your patients go without your topnotch care. I must confess that I do have an ulterior motive in having you over this evening." I set my glass down opposite Dr. Jacobs's as the grandfather clock in the entry hall strikes twelve. He gazes at me curiously as I stand and begin untying the tight ropes of my dark blue satin robe.

The bemusement drains from his face as astonishment replaces it. Dr. Jacobs springs up from his seat, reaching out and clasping my hands in his to stop me as my fingers tease at the opening to my robe, threatening to open it. "Miss Thistle, I must ask you to stop for your own virtue's sake!" Despite the outrage in his tone, lust fills his deep blue eyes, and I can already tell he's putty in my pale hands.

"You are a medical doctor, aren't you?" I ask softly, still holding the robe with one hand but reaching up to gently caress his cheek with the other, the gesture holding more intimacy than the touch of any true lover. He reluctantly nods, his gaze now wary. "The human body is your specialty, and I have a medical question for you." My tone is innocent, but I know that my raven black eyes tell a different story entirely.

Dr. Jacobs takes a deep breath and drops his hands, nodding for me to proceed. I smile politely at him, watching his eyes follow my hands as I open the robe and shrug it off of my shoulders, revealing my flawless skin left uncovered by the unnecessary barrier that clothing creates. Dr. Jacobs swallows hard again, obviously struggling to maintain his professional air. But his difficulties aren't entirely his fault. True that men are weak by nature and that I do have an attractive body, but my allure goes beyond that to a supernatural level that Dr. Jacobs is ill prepared to face.

"Well, Miss...Thistle. What's your...um, question?"

"Well, doctor, I'm wondering if I'm not eating enough." I take his hand and press it to the soft, cold skin of my ribs just below my breasts. "No matter what, I just can't seem to satiate myself, and I can't remember ever being this thin before. This can't be healthy, can it, doctor?"

"Well perhaps you aren't consuming enough of a particular nutrient," he suggests, his eyes still on the hand that I have pressed firmly against my body.

"Dr. Jacobs, you're a genius!" I throw my arms around his neck and hug him tightly. I feel him gasp into my neck as his hands close around my waist, his pinky fingers wandering slightly below my waistline. "I think I know exactly what to do, and I think you can help me."

"Wonderful, Miss Thistle. I'm happy to hear it. What can I do for you?"

I pull away and pick my robe back up off the floor, putting it on but not tying it as I return to the couch and pick up my wine glass. "That's not a concern for right now. I can survive a little longer while you finish your wine."

He looks almost disappointed to have to wait, probably assuming that I'll need a certain 'nutrient' that only the male body can provide. "Of course, Miss Thistle." He sits beside me and rests a hand on my knee as he grips his glass and takes a jovial sip. He begins running his hand slowly along my bare thigh, and I let him for the moment.

"Please, Dr. Jacobs. Call me Midnight. Tonight, you are my hero." I giggle playfully as I watch him over my glass. Once the last of his wine is drained, I take his cup and place both back on the table before leaning forward and resting both of my hands on his knees. "Now, I think I know exactly how you can help me, but I want to make sure you're okay with this first. I wouldn't want to make you do anything against your will." I bite my lip seductively as my hands slide up his thighs.

"Dear God, I'll do anything you need me to, Midnight!" He grips my wrists, trying to force my hands higher, but I resist, leaving my hands where they are and leaning forward.

"Believe me when I say that God has nothing to do with this," I whisper before nibbling playfully at his earlobe. I force myself to be gentle as my lips begin traveling down his cheek across his jaw to his neck, ripping the collar of his dress shirt open to give myself access. He shivers as I lick the tender skin of his delicate throat. "Do you want me to do it, Dr. Jacobs?"

"God yes," he groans.

I smirk against his neck before opening my mouth wide and digging my long, sharp, thin teeth into the tender skin I left exposed. He gasps as the soft flesh tears, and then my prey is silent as I drink the thick, red elixir of the undead until Dr. Jacobs is as pale as I am.

Once I've had my fill and lapped at the last droplets left in his weak body, I stand and tie my robe securely back at my waist, running my hands along my now concealed ribs. "You were right, doctor," I commend the corpse. "I guess it's just been too long since I've had that particular food group, and what better to fulfill my necessity than O-, the true universal donor and the best type there is." I kiss his cold cheek, leaving behind the faint traces of sticky blood that were left on my lips. "I'm so glad you were able to solve my problem."

I plant one last kiss on his pale blue lips and turn away from the body, glancing at my companion in the shadowed corner. "Mozart," I call. He lifts his large black head, his dark eyes meeting mine. I grin wickedly at him. "Sic him, boy."

Midnight-October 31, 1860Where stories live. Discover now