The Truth about Kristoff

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When Anna collapsed in Kristoffs arms with her hair turning white, he knew he had to do something quick and fast. So with a wave good bye to his family, Kristoff grabbed Spence and rode of with Anna, determined to find her true love. He would never admit it, but he was attracted to Anna. Anna was quirky, fun, and strong. Kristoff had actually hoped during the "forced" wedding his family where trying to make happen, that she would actually agree, but no. That would never happen.

While on the ride to the castle to get her fiance, Hans, he thought over his life, and how he first met the trolls, and the reason why.

A couple of months ago he asked is mother, or his sister. To be truthful they all looked the same to him which made him feel like he stuck out, and he would always have to ask for there name or he would never tell them apart, but when he asked she only frowned, and said quietly that she would talk to him later on that night.

Night came and he met with her at the edge of the clearing where they lived.

Kristoff could tell she was uncomfortable, and by the way she looked around and whispered, he knew that this was not supposed to be told.

She started out the story and he already felt his eyes sting with the first sentence she uttered.

"Your father didn't want you."

She told him about the time where his father tried to leave him at the ice mine, but he was quickly returned by one of the workers, saying while they where working Kristoff was trying to help, but in reality just messed everything up.

She told him about how his father tried to drown him in the icy water, but then by faith a baby reindeer came and rammed into him causing him to let Kristoff go. That baby reindeer was Spence.

Then she told him how his Father forced his Mother to abandon you in the forest, and to make sure you didn't find your way back, he knocked you out.

"We found you spying on us and we decided to keep you here." Maggie the troll said. Kristoff was now sobbing in his hands trying very hard to get a word out.

"B..but..why didn't he want me." Maggie sighed and put a hand up to his cheek caressing it.

"When you where young you where diagnosed with schizophrenia. Its a mental disability and thats why you can't communicate with humans well, you have a hard time sleeping, and you swear that Spence talks."

"HE DOES TALK!" Maggie recoiled back surprised at Kristoffs outburst, but he wasn't done.

"How do you know all of this. You are probably lying!"

"No I'm not I swear. As soon as we decided to bring you in to the family, the king erased your memory of your past life. While we were doing that we saw in captions of what happened to you."

Thats when he snapped and attacked Maggie in a fit of rage.

The next morning she walked around with a black eye and a busted lip. Maggie did not tell anybody that kristoff abused her that night, because she didn't want to get in trouble for telling him his story.

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