Villains Approaching

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Hello. I am writing another part to satisfy u guys lol let's get on to it. Hope you enjoy!

*at U.A*

Aizawa: Okay. Class is over. Here is the student I need to speak with. Please come to my office.

Deku: (what would Aizawa Sensei need me for?)

*class ended and Deku goes to Aizawa's office*

Deku: What did you need me for, Aizawa Sensei?

Aizawa: All might has told me when you graduate from 3 year (this year) you will be the next symbol of peace and promoted to number no.1 hero because you have beaten All for one, the strongest villain ever.

Deku: *blushes* R...Really!

Aizawa: Yes. Oh and all might said he needed you at the nearest beach.

Deku: (what would all might need me for?)

*school is now out and deku meets all might at the beach*

Deku: All might? All might!

All might: *falls from the sky and lands on his feet*

Deku: ? *cough cough* 

*dust clears*

Deku: All might!

All might: Do you know why I asked for aizawa to send you here?

Deku: No...

All might: I want you to spar with me.

Deku: S..SPAR?

All might: Yes, spar.

Deku: Why do you want me to spar with you?

All might: It surprised me that you beat all for one. You might even beat me!

Deku: Okay... *puts up fists*

All might: Just a second.

Deku: Yes all might?

All might: Have you gotten any experience with your quirks? 

Deku: Oh yeah! That reminds me. I have a new quirk!

All might: What is the quirk?

Deku: Ultra strike.

Alpha: Hurry and tell him it's the ultimate combat quirk.

Deku: It's the ultimate combat quirk.

All might: Wow! You might need only that to beat me!

Deku: Okay. I'm ready now! ULTIMATE COWLING


All might: RIGHT!


[Blitz bullet: When Deku puts all his power into his legs and runs at the opponent and then puts all the power in his arm at the last second and punches the opponent this move is only for Deku. If anybody else uses it they will tear their ligaments. The reason why only Deku can use it is because his ultra strike allows self regeneration]

All might: *dodges*

UD: *turns back around quickly* ST. LOUIS... SMASH!!!!

[If you dont know what St. Louis smash is its from the manga. Here's what it looks like] 

 Here's what it looks like] 

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