Puella: 9

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A week after the festival, afterschool, Yugi and Madoka were leaving the school and saying goodbye to the other students before they heard Joey's voice from behind as they turned around to see both Joey and Tristan standing behind them as Madoka waved to them.

"Hey Joey! Are you heading home?" Joey nodded at Yugi's question before Tristan was just looking at Yugi which sent chills through Yugi as Madoka hurried over to the Game Shop to help Solomon with some chores she had promised before leaving for school.

"You'll keep a secret, won't you Yugi! Between the three of us!" Joey said as Tristan's face grew a deeper shade of red as Yugi smiled. "Course I won't tell!" Yugi said to Joey as Joey's Cheshire Cat grin grew before spilling the beans. "Truth is...Tristan's in love!"

"AAAAGHH!! DON'T TELL YUGI!" Tristan shouted at the top of his lungs but thankfully no one was there to hear his loud cries. Yugi remained silent after hearing the secret but soon he felt Tristn shaking his back and forth with both hands on his small neck.

"YOU LAUGHED!! YOU LAUGHED DIDN'T YOU?!" Tristan said with a red face and still strangling Yugi. "I-I-I d-didn't l-l-laugh..." Yugi managed to say to Tristan as he released both hands from his neck and let Joey explain who Tristan had a crush on.

"The girl is Miho Nosaka in our class! You know...the student librarian...She's really shy. She always wears that yellow ribbon in her hair, you know..." Joey said as Yugi finally knew who it was.

"That's why her friends call her 'Ribbon'!" Yugi said as they heard Tristan talk to himself.

"Ahh...Beautiful Ribbon...Ahem..." Tristan said before Yugi and Joey continued their conversation.

"Well...anyway, even though this dimwit doesn't have a chance of getting Ribbon, he's fallen head over heels in love with her. So what we wanted to talk about was...he needs a present to get her attention!" Joey said as he looked at Yugi.

"Y'know...your store sells all sorts of weird stuff, right?" Joey asked as Yugi nervously chuckled at Joey before giving a straight answer to his friend.

"Um...our store sells games..." He said as Tristan kicked a rock into a bush. "A game store? No way! That's useless!" He shouted before Joey decided to give it a chance.


"Do I have something for you!" Solomon said as Madoka overhead their conversation from the kitchen as she stopped sweeping the floor before she continued listening through.

"I haven't told Yugi the story, but this was how I got his grandmother!" Solomon said as he reached for a box on the top shelf before Madoka came in and helped him.

"Thank you." He said before bringing the box over to the counter and opening it to the boys which Madoka got  a small sneak peek of the contents within the box.

"It's a blank puzzle! You write down your feelings, then break up the puzzle and send it to her." Solomon explained the puzzle as Madoka blushed at the feeling of getting a love note like that from Yami.

Joey burst out laughing with tears coming down his cheeks as everyone looked at Joey and 'sweatdropped' at him. "BWA HA HA HA HA!! I can't imagine you with this Tristan!!" Joey laughed before holding his gut from all the laughing before getting a whack to the head from Madoka.

"Okay, I'll shut up." He said before they turned to Tristan who muttered under his breath. "Yes...This is it! This is great! Yeah! This is just right! I'm romantic..." Tristan said as he dug through his wallet and took out a wade of cash and slapped it down onto the counter.

"Tristan is really wants Miho to have his bad romance." Madoka whispered in a low voice no one could hear her say that.

"I'll take it old man!" Tristan said as Solomon placed the money in the register as Madoka sighed and continued sweeping the floor before heading upstairs to sweep Yugi's room before Amy ran to her meowing scared as Madoka picked up the frightened kitten and sat on the bed with the small black cat in her arms.

Then Madoka went to the stairs to talk to Solomon but Joey and Tristan were gone and Yugi went to the stairs as he saw Madoka holding the scared kitten in her arms. "Did something spook Amy?" He asked as she shrugged and told him that she found Amy like that.

"It's okay Amy, I'm here." Madoka said rubbing the kitten's fur to soothe her as Amy curled up and yawned. 'I guess Amy knows what's going on or what's gonna happen.' Madoka thought as she got ready for bed and let sleep overtake her.


Yami saw his host with a blank puzzle before Yugi wrote down the love letter for Tristan and thought of how he would win Madoka's heart as he used his power of the shadows to create the same blank puzzle and wrote down his love note onto the blank puzzle before he broke it up and wrapped it into pink wrapping paper and topped it off with a red satin ribbon.

"Perfect, this should work." Yami said waiting for the perfect time to place it in her locker or her desk, this was the perfect moment to confess his undying love for her.


The next morning, Madoka sat down at her desk and began drawing with looks to be a mirror breaking into puzzle pieces which was very confusing to Yugi and Joey as they saw her drawing but they didn't say anything to Madoka about her illustrations as she closed up her old notebook and placed it in her desk as the bell rang.

Madoka gulped when she saw Ms. Chono enter, she always had a bad feeling from the woman, many students told her stories of how many students were expelled because of Ms. Chono.

Madoka then put on a smile just to be on her teacher's good side and not hear any awful things from the teacher.

But she was dead wrong.

"Empty the contents of your desk and bag onto your desk! It's inspection time!!" Madoka felt violent chills down her back as she pulled out her pencil bag, old notebook, notebooks, feminine products and her books as well.

'Please don't take my old notebook!' Madoka prayed as Ms. Chono came across Madoka before she saw the old notebook and grabbed it.

"What is this Ms. Kaname?" Madoka gulped before she told her teacher what it was. "My old notebook from Mitakihara..." She said as Ms. Chono moved to Miho who had the puzzle on her desk and took it as well.

Ms. Chono opened Madoka's notebook to reveal some old notes until she came across the pictures she had drawn including the mirror. "My my! It appears we have an artist here! But we all know creativity is a waste of time!"

Those words felt like knives to Madoka as she held back her tears and sobbing which made Yugi noticed Madoka trying not to cry in front of the class as Ms. Chono opened the puzzle and said the same exact thing about the puzzle.

'Damn witch! Madoka and Ribbon are getting hurt but mostly Madoka, she loves to draw down her own creativity!' Tristan said as Miho had tears down her face.

Yami emerged from the puzzle and made it into a shadow game for the teacher before her make up fell off like pieces of a puzzle, Madoka was too sad to notice Yami as he went for her shoe locker and went back into the puzzle as the teacher ran out.

Madoka grabbed her stuff and placed it into her backpack before heading over to her locker where she got a gift inside as she took it out and placed it inside of her backpack and began walking with her friends before wiping her tears away.

Madoka smiled at how her friends appreciate her creativity, even Yugi as he hugged her which caused her to blush before heading over to the game shop.

Madoka got upstairs to the desk and put together the puzzle she recieved from someone as she blushed when she read the message to herself as she placed the last piece of the puzzle together.

To my darling goddess, my angel, my light
Your skin, so fragile of a porcelian doll
Your hair so soft and silky, to make other finest silk jealous
Your eyes are like two shining sunsets that I could stare into
Your lips so soft I could kiss all the time
Your hands, so delicate I want to hold onto forever.

Be mine, Yami.

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