Chapter 14

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Queen Maura is a witts end because Niall went into depression and she doesn't know what to do. King Bobby is at war and he isn't home to talk some since into Niall. And worst of all Greg is making it worse by insulting Niall by telling him that it's Niall's fault that you don't want to see him. Every sharp object he finds he'll cut himself with it.

"Niall?" Maura slowly peeked her head in Niall's door. He didn't respond he just laid in his bed and cried.

"Niall dear. Please tell me what you want. I'll give you anything." Maura offered to her hurt son.

"(Y/N).......I want (Y/N)." Niall began choking back sobs. "But he doens't want to see me again."

"I still don't understand what is so facinating about (Y/N)?" Maura asked. She knows that Niall loves you but she doens't why you love him so much.

"He was everything I always wanted. He's sweet, he's handsome, he takes good care of me, he loved me. He's the one for me. The one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I MISS HIM SO MUCH AND I DROVE HIM AWAY!!" Niall cried in his pillow.

"Hey Mum! How's Niall?" Greg pretended like he cares for Niall.

"Not now, Greg." Maura shook her head.

"Oh okay. I guess I'll swim up to the surface.....and maybe find a human to date." Greg teased.

"(Y/N) WAS HUMAN!!" Niall sobbed and preceded crying. Greg laughed and swam out of Niall's room.

"Niall, please calm down!" Maura tried to comfort Niall but it isn't working at all.

"I WANT TO BE ALONE!!!" Niall swam out his room and fast as he could. He cried as he exited the city and swam up to the surface. He laid out on the shore of your summer home. All the memories of all the fun times you spent with Niall. 

He misses you.


Niall had gotten himself together and he was ready to go back home. He still is hurt and it's gotten to him that self-harm wouldn't bring you back. He came back to the city and opened the castle door then he stopped swimming on sight.



You ran as fast as you could to Niall and you jumped on him.

"NIALL, I'M SO SORRY! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!" You mumbled in the crook of his neck. You brought your face out of his neck and latched your lips to his. Niall couldn't process what was going on and how deep the kiss was between you and him. He closed his eyes and kissed back just as much.

Maura's heart melts at the sight and Greg pulled a face of disgust. You two broke the kiss and you two hugged as tight as possible. 

"What are you doing back here?" Niall asked.

"Queen Maura sent people to find me and bring me back here so I could talk to you. And I found out you've been hurting yourself and you went into depression. So I'm here to talk to you."

"Niall, I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for yelling at you and I never want to hurt you but I guess I did-" Niall placed a finger on your lips shushing you.

"My gosh your lips are soft. I forgive you but all this is my fault. I shouldn't have flipped out on you like that and I hate myself for that. So I started cutting myself and that didn't help at all. I was madly in love with you and I didn't want to you." Niall pleaded his case.

"It's either your madly in love with me or you still are." You held Niall's hand.

"Are you still in love with me?" Niall tried to keep his composure trying not to cry.

"Yes, Niall. I still love you." You started to cry.

"I love you too, (Y/N)!" Niall hugged you as you two cried in each others shoulders. 

Everyone in the kingdom 'awes' at you two. Niall isn't depressed anymore because he got what he wanted back. We wanted you.

"I'm back in Ireland." You told him.

"Your just visitng or-"

"I'm not visiting. I live here now." You broke the news to Niall causing his eyes to widen.

"So......that means you'll be able to see me?" Niall lip started to tremble.

"Of course I can." That was all it took for Niall to cry in your shoulder again. Niall started to calm down and he gain his composure.

"Excuse us." NIall said. He grabbed your wrist and swam out the kingdom as fast as he could until you two reached your house. Niall's legs quickly grew and he ran to the door. You unlocked the door and picked Niall up and carried him to the bed room. He laughed as you carried him then you laid him down on the bed. 

"I love you, Niall." You kissed his nose.

"I love you more, (Y/N)" You got up to get Niall some clothes to sleep in and you start chaging yourself.

"Nice arse." Niall watched you with narrow eyes and seductive eyebrow raises. 

"Niall!" You gasped.

"That's prince Niall to you. Remember?" He gave you the seductive eyebrows again. 

"Prince Niall!" You corrected yourself.

"I want to cuddle." Niall reached out his arms. You got completely changed and you crawled up in Niall's arms.

'Are you happy now my prince Niall?" 

"Very." He smiled.

You noticed his cuts on his arms and wrists. You want to cry because he's been hurting himself. You took his arm and you kissed both his wrists and held him tight.



"Please don't hurt yourself anymore." You asked him.

"I won't. I have you now. You don't have to get worked up about that anymore." He kissed your forehead. You weakly smiled but your still hurt at the fact that he cut himself.

"I don't want you hurt, Niall. I care for you. Your my prince and I love you." 

"I love you too. You won't have to worry anymore." Niall starting going  off to sleep.

"Okay, NIall" You took his word for it and went to sleep with Niall.

You got finally got your prince back. 

The Boy From Deep Blue: Niall Horan (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now