sea foam green

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i was in the middle of getting the pounding of my life from a david beckham like substance when the only ever way to quench my gay was interrupted by the ungodly sound of marimba blared from the cellular device on my nightstand that probably costed enough to save a few children in africa. but instead of thinking of the children all i could think about was destroying this cock block of a noise from perpetuating my only form of sexual activity. to my phone's avail, my dream man had drifted away somewhere in my limbic system and i was left with crusty ass eyes which were currently fixated on the textured ceiling above me. they decided to change their gaze to a large clock on the wall on the other side of the room.

6:02 am

eventually, i put a pause on the self-loathing and tried to get out of bed. by tried, i mean i sat there and thought very really super hard about getting out of bed, and i just didn't get out of bed. i really could be unemployed. people get checks for that and shit. i was very close to calling it a quits and hanging up my bait bucket and favorite fishing rod when my captain burst through the doors, all too smiley and way to blonde to be a natural state for asscrack hours of the morning.

"rise and shine, min", he said, so cheery, i almost wanted to punch his face so hard he'd have to find a bus back to korea from mexico or something.

i didn't really respond cuz i'm cool and edgy and don't talk much. instead i sat up, stretched, and prayed i'd fall off the boat and get workers' comp or something. i brushed my teeth, with colgate because anyone that uses crest is not to be trusted, put on a striped shirt, and began the typical fisherman routine. whatever that would be because i'm too lazy of an author to research that kinda shit.

i do enjoy the fisherman life most of the time, don't get me wrong. it's simple and complicated things are too, well, complicated. all i have to do is grab a rod, slap a little hopeless annelid on the sucker, chuck that shit into the sea, and wait until an even more hopeless money maker bites on it. half the time i just daydream until i get jolted out of my internal gay fanfics by a stupid fish prying himself into a unavoidable path to the end of his life to continue mine. plus, living on a boat with a very small and very smiley balding australian man, an obnoxious lanky idiot, and the most gentle, kind, talented, beautiful, wonderful, amazing, hilarious, strong, influential, mesmerizing man on the planet who's the owner of the most remarkable chin known to man leads to little to none living cost. it's really the dream. minus the fact i smell like tuna all the time and don't make a whole lot of money. what else would i do though? something stupid like sing or dance? that's dumb.

it had been a slow day mostly. chan caught some big ones, but the fucker is literally good at everything except ballet so what did we expect. hyunjin never catches anything, so no surprise there. me and changbin we're getting a few here and there but for the most part, it was a slow day. i was watching the waves crash when out of the corner of my eye, i saw something.

more water.

jk, i saw something shiny and brownish red. kinda like the color of an apple when you throw it on the ground a bunch of times. i fixed my gaze on the spot i saw the bruised apple thing, and waited. i didn't see it again, though.


i went back to "work" and pretty much forgot about it until about a half hour later i saw it again. this time, it lingered on the surface so i got a better look. it wasn't a bruised apple. it was a scale. that belonged to a tail.

that belonged to a boy.

this bitch about to be someone's prince eric.

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