Sweetheart Hotline

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"Evan please, you need this. You've been stressed ever since Tyler died, would you please just comply for us?"
"No. Don't ever talk about Tyler. He's gone forever now!"
"I understand, but please get help, I can't stand to see you like this."
"My problem is my problem, and it's not your business to be discussing my dead brother."

Evan walked away from Brock. Grieving and full of sorrow, he laid down on the couch. He remembered playing video games with Tyler on that couch. He went to his room directly after thinking that. Everything was a reminder of him. There was no escaping it. Tyler was Evan's older brother, he had died in a car accident a week prior. Evan pays his respects from time to time, but he doesn't stay long. Too much time there, and he'll have a mental breakdown. Brock had to learn that the hard way.

"Are you alright? You've been staring at that wall for ten minutes now."

Luke, he finally remembered. Evan looked at the taller male, smiling.

"I'm fine, just thinking about stuff."
"I know what "stuff" is Evan. I need you to talk to me."
"It's nothing, I promise."
"Evan, it's not your fault he's dead."
"Don't you dare talk about Tyler. I can't stand it! Everywhere I go, I see him. It's a constant reminder of what was!"

Evan runs to his room and slams the door shut. He takes deep breaths as tears fall from his eyes and onto his bed. It didn't help that Luke would be leaving soon.

You see, Luke was Evan's caretaker. There's something mentally wrong with Evan, so he volunteered to help. They've bonded overtime, and Evan eventually started to get feelings for him. However, Luke does have a boyfriend. His name is Ryan, and he's the reason why Luke is leaving for California first thing in the morning. When Evan found out about this, he couldn't look at Luke for weeks.

He decided to take Brock's advice and called a suicide hotline. A male answered on the other line.

"Hello there, my name is Jonathan, and you?"
"What nice name. Do you have anything you want to discuss? It doesn't have to be detailed if it's to much for you."
"I'll start from the top."

Somehow, Evan was able to tell Jonathan everything. He told him about his feelings for Luke, Tyler's death, his mental disorder, everything. Jon was easy to talk to, and after two hours they hung up. He felt guilty for not wanting to talk to Brock and Luke. He managed to push that guilt aside by sleeping.

The next morning, there was a knock on the door. He got up and turned to knob.

"Luke? I thought you were leaving. It's five in the morning."
"I know, I just thought I should say one last goodbye. It wouldn't be right if I just left."

Evan smiled, Luke truly cared after all. He hugged him.

"Don't forget me Luke, please."
"I won't, I promise. I'll come back like I always do."
"Yeah, but this might be for forever. You don't know if you're going to forget about me because you and Ryan are married. You don't know if having kids will increase the chances of-"

Luke cut him off by kissing his forehead.

"I know you're scared Evan, but I'll be back, I promise. Besides, it'll be hard to forget that smile of yours."

Evan blushed. Luke was always a flirt. Whether it was platonic or not, it still meant a lot to him. Luke waved goodbye before closing the door. Evan stood there, tears falling from his eyes once again. Another loved one, gone forever, and probably for good too. All Evan did was drive people away. Before he could think deeper into this subject, his phone rang. He sighed before answering.

"This is Evan right?"
"Yes, why?"
"Oh thank god, it's Jonathan."
"Oh, hey dude."
"You alright? You sound terrible."

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