*angry pig noises* ban x king x hawk x merlin

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creators note

hi guys its gayroad here im so sorry for being inactive for sooooo long yknow things got prety spicy in the demon rea;m amd zeldaddu started cheating on his girlfriends so his dad banned us from leaving the demon realm so we cam teach him a lesson and now his ass is kinda sore lol ok continuing with the story! x3 :333

requested by: gain_this_grain

hawk was eating bacon on  a warm, sunny day when he suddenluy hit puberty

he started wanting fucc but realised there were no other pigs in the bo a r ha t for him to smash

 (and i oop!) so he resorted to humans. but which human?

hawk decided to settle on king. diane wasnt home! so this was perfect! king is longing for some fucc! but since diane isnt here, he doesnt have anyone! perfect! 

hawk went into kings bedropom and heard some aggressive noises, he then realised, ban was fuckiong him instead of hawk! how disgraceful!

but instaed of being a party pooper, hawk decided to join them! how fun!

he aggressivly sucked co0ck (hes not sure whether it was kings or bans), one was definitely thicker than the other one, thouigh! 

2 hours laeter

hawk hjeard some knocking on the door (and i oop skskskkskks) and immedieatly got scared what if it was meliodas! he will think i am,,,,, lewd!

but no, it was merlin! :OOOOOO
"ewww! merlinm? she s ghayeeee" said hawk
"isnt this whole thing ghaye?" responded ban

"why dont she join us?" added king

merlin was prolluy kinky or sumn so she joined and sucked kings like two inch dick lol

69 hours later

after the gang of four had finished, hawk looked up and saw...... :O... SPRINGTRAP?!??!?!? RECORDING????? ALL OF THIS??????
hawk immedieattlu posed for the recording and plugged his pornhub acc called BacxnDadXX69

springytap smiled and saod "ah, i see, ypure a man of culture as well;"

the end

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