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Naruko looked blankly at the hundreds of heavily armed men surrounding her. Each of them wore the same dark blue clothing and similarly, their clothes were branded with thick white letters which read 'POLICE'. See, a few weeks ago, Naruko had gotten into a brawl which had gotten pretty serious, pretty quickly and had a rather morbid outcome. There was only one survivor of the fight and no witnesses. In fact, the only way they'd managed to figure out it was here was due to the CCTV cameras that were placed around the area.

Looking above her, Naruko eyed up the two helicopters that shone a light on the scene below as an amplified voice spoke up. "Naruko Uzumaki, you are under arrest for mass homicide. You have the right to an attorney and anything you say or do can and will be used in court against you." 

Naruko frowned, even in this world she appeared to be a mess up, somebody others feared. When she first woke up on the streets of Washington D.C. she was actually quite excited. Here, nobody knew who she was, nobody tormented her. She was just another teenage girl amongst many. Until that stupid man ruined her ramen. To be honest, she hadn't actually intended on killing him, but he was much weaker than the enemies she used to face. She found herself taking pleasure in overpowering them, as sickening as it was to her now. Either way, she now faced a multitude of life sentences in prison. Something she'd prefer not to have if she could avoid, hence why she had successfully fled the few officers who originally attempted to apprehend her.

But now she was bored of running away, that was why she didn't fight the officers. Should she want to, she knew that the fight amongst them would be nothing to her. She, to them, was essentially a god. But she was tired of all this running away, maybe she did deserve to be locked up. She was becoming somebody else, someone different, and she wasn't sure she liked that other somebody.


3 months later

It was late in the evening when a black van-like car pulled up outside a posh restaurant. The door opening to reveal Amanda Waller who entered the restaurant as quickly as she could. Taking a seat at a table in front of a man, she began to explain her idea, the use of criminals as a 'Suicide Squad' of sorts, officially known as Task Force X.

"Floyd Lawton, aka Deadshot. Assassin for hire, human arsenal, lethal from 4 metres. Family: daughter, ex-wife. He's the most wanted hitman in the world, they say he has an elite cliental. But everyone has a weakness and a weakness can be leveraged. His is an 11-year-old honor student, his daughter. So we watched her and waited." the man looked at the woman in front of him, eyes calculating as he spoke, "And you caught him?" the woman simply shook her head, a knowing smile on her face, "not me, I just gave an anonymous tip to the right guy in Gotham city. So now we have the man who never misses." the man simply cocked his head to the side, his face never giving away any emotion, "so where'd you put him?"

"Let's just say, I put him in the hole and threw away the hole. Harley Quinn, before she ran off and joined the circus, she was known as Dr Harleen Quinn, a psychiatrist at Arkham asylum. She was assigned to the clown himself. She thought she was curing him, but she was falling in love. Talk about a workplace romance gone wrong. They became the king and queen of Gotham city and god help anyone who disrespected the queen. She's crazier than him and more fearless. But the bat got her too, and now she's in the same hole as Deadshot. And then there's the Aussie, Digger Harkness. Or as the tabloids call him, Captain Boomerang. He robbed every bank in Australia at least once, and then came to America for a fresh target set. Doesn't work well with others. But he tangled with a metahuman and lived to tell the tale of it. And have you heard of the pyrokinetic homeboy?"

"How'd you catch him?"

"We didn't he surrendered. Chato Santama. On the streets, they call him El Diablo. This LA gangbanger thought he was the king of the world until he lost his queen. Get's jumped in a prison riot and incinerates half the yard. The security footage is incredible."

"Oh Jesus, what the hell is that?" the man asked, repulsed by the image of the next criminal, "His name is Waylon Jones, evolution took a step back on this one. They call him, Killer Croc. He looked like a monster, so they treated him like a monster, then he became a monster. He was chased out of Gotham by the bat and went searching for sanction elsewhere. He never found it. Next up, the witch."

"A witch?"

"I'm talking a flying, spell-casting, making-shit-disappear witch. A sorcess from another dimension, another world. Archaeologist, Dr June Moone, wandered into the wrong cave. Releasing a very powerful metahuman.  The Enchantress. She inhabits Dr June Moon's body now."

"Where is this witch?"
"In my pocket."
"Now tell him why she won't turn you into a frog."

"Some say the witch has a secret, buried heart and whoever finds it can control the witch. So we searched the cave where she turned up and we found her heart." the woman then opened a case, using her thumbprint to open up the case around the heart, "That thing's her heart?"

"Hm, she's vulnerable without it. And finally, we have one Miss Naruko Uzumaki. Not much is known about this blonde human, just that she is not a normal human being. The main purpose for her arrest was a mass homicide and she was taken into custody just 3 months ago. Reports say that she has been very docile during her stay at Belle Reve prison, but it's just a matter of time. The reason for the murder was a fight which we believe was started over spilt ramen."

"You want to put our national security in the hands of witches, gangbangers and crocodiles? These are villains Amanda, what makes you think you can control them?"

"Because getting people to act against their own self-interest for the national security of the United States is what I do for a living. You take the finest special forces officer that this nation has ever produced, Colonel Rick Flag. I assigned him to watch Dr Moone and just as I hoped, it got personal. I had the witches heart, and Dr Moone had his. Now he'll follow my orders as Holy Writ. In a world of flying men and monsters, this is the only way to protect our country.


Naruko looked through the barred door of the cage surrounding her. Her entire cage had been made of reinforced glass so that there was absolutely no way for her to hide within it. Over the past few months, she'd had a chance to actually think over what had gone on in her life recently. Whilst she still had no idea how she got here, she discovered she wasn't the only one from her world. The nine-tailed fox, Kurama, had remained in his seal in her stomach which meant he was there to talk to her during her boredom. She'd also spent a large amount of time meditating in her cell and with no distractions, she was able to slip into it and remain like that for the duration of the day. Her already abnormally large chakra reserves growing ever bigger as she began training in her mind, Kurama teaching her to tap into her clan's technique of chakra chains.

But today was a slight anomaly in her routine, the twenty-odd guards who remained with her, supervising her 24/7, looked abnormally smart this morning. All she could do was assume she was going to have a visitor, so she chose not to meditate -curious as to who'd come and see her. What she wasn't aware of was this abnormal behaviour was slightly off-putting for the guards. Should she play up today, of all days, they were going to be in for a lot of trouble. That was when her special guest arrived.

Amanda Waller looked down at the young woman in the glass cube in front of her. The blurred image of her did not do her justice, for such a young person, she had a certain charm to her. Physically flawless, the woman with blonde hair and blue eyes was not one to take lightly. "Miss Uzumaki." Naruko grinned at the woman, leaping to her feet in excitement as she practically bounced to the door, "Uzumaki Naruko at your service, dattebayo!" the woman's eyes simply narrowed at the girl as everyone else in the room tensed up, "What do you want from me anyway, your not here to bring me ramen, that I can only assume as you have none with you. So why do you need my services?" Naruko's eyes turning slightly cold, her time in prison was beginning to bore her. Being cooped up in a small area had never really done her any good, it brought up bad memories. Memories she'd rather forget.

"I want you in my task force, you will protect this country should the need arise, understood? Even if it kills you, and in return, I shall shorten your sentence, is there anything else you wish for?" Naruko's blue eyes widened in excitement as she fist-pumped the air in excitement, "Yup! I want a daily supply of ramen, dattebayo! I also want to be able to stretch my legs. I get antsy when I'm cooped up like this, and trust me, you won't like antsy Naruko." her voice lowered as she spoke, the underlying threat clear. "Done."

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