Chapter 1

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Hey dear readers, this is my first attempt to write a story so plz bear with me and constructive criticism would be appreaciated.


••Chapter 1••

It had been a dreadful night for Jenna. The thing that bothered her the most was that her thoughts kept drifting to the self-obsessed,stubborn and arrogant man she met at the party. She hated these party but she was an upcoming fashion designer and in order to gain reputation and earn the status that she wanted she had to attend these parties. Every time she met new people and she had had a look at a big amount of handsome men who also never left any chance to try to sleep with her but she was still a virgin and she was as pure as one could be. So why today she is not able to forget the handsome stranger who like others also tried to have her in his bed.

"You are home early. How was the show?"Lilly asked.

Lilly was Jenna's step mother. Jenna's father cannot be called a man of good character. He kept on cheating on his wifes. He had married six times. It was one of the reasons Jenna hated men. She never wanted to marry anyone.

"As usual Lilly. I think i am not made for this. I better quit and start searching for a decent job so that we can run the house properly. We already are on the verge of being bankrupt."Jenna didnt think she needed to add that todays party was exceptionally bad because of that arrogant businessman.

"Dont say that sweetie..Havent you heard the saying..slow and steady wins the race."Lilly told her. There was not a lot of age difference between Jenna and Lilly but they both loved eachother. Jenna considered Lilly to be an elder sister to her. She had many siblings but the all lived with their respective mothers. Jennas mother abandoned her when she came to know about her fathers character.

"I know Lilly but its just that i get so frustrated at times that i just want to quit everything."

Lilly was the only bread-winner for the family and she was pregnant. Jenna hated to see her going to work everyday. She should be taking care of her and the baby but she hardly ever earned anything.

"I hate to see you go to work and take the stress. You are getting weaker and its not good for the child." Jenna said with tears in her eyes. Lilly went to her and hugged her. This was the daily routine of their house.

Will was having a difficult time concentrating on anything. From the time Jenna had walked away he couldnt think straight. He liked her girls to be blond,slutty and experienced but this girl was neither. She had long black hair that looked like silk. She had the perfect hourglass figure that any girl will die for and her skin had the best tan that he had ever seen. Altough she was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a red fit top to complement with a jacket..she still looked sexy as hell. He couldnt help but notice that almost all the males were oogling at her. For the first time he felt protective for some girl. He did not like the way most men were looking at her. When she left the party leaving the very stunned Will behind he promised to have her for himself as soon as it was possible. Now all he had to think was how..?

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