Everything Happens for a Reason. x

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I'm Ale. Yeah I know my name is really weird. I'm from Romania but I moved to england with my best friend,Adele for my first year of college. Everything seemed so strange... I didn't had walls full of One Direction posters,computer full of gif.'s or anything like that. Everything was just plain and boring. 

I didn't like the fact that I was new. Everybody seemed to know eachother. People were nice to us,but I felt like we didn't really looked good into their eyes. AHAHAHAH just kidding. We were amazing. I made like gazillions of friends in the first week of school. I was.. POPULAR? WUTTT. Oh yeah I forgot to mention I already had my eyes on a cute boy. The first few classes were pretty easy and fun. 

Weeks went by and now we're in November?... Good to know. I really liked the new school. Everybody was so nice and I really liked pretty much everybody. The teachers were amazing,nice and you understood everything. The only thing I didn't like was the uniforms. We had plaid SKIRT. SKIRT? I just hate skirts. I'm tall and a little bit curvy and I hate the way skirts look on me. Eveybody says: omg you look amazing. I just don't like it. Plain white shirt and white stocking. Adele was doing pretty much good too. We were always together, sticked with the super sticky pink glue that I used to like when I was 7. 

"Heyy,Ale! I think that guy over there is staring at you. Good thing he is cute."

"NO HE ISN'T! You know the only cute person on Earth is Niall!" We still fangirled about One Direction most of the time.

"Yeah. Forgot that,hun. He is still cute. I should.."

"Go and talk to him!" I always finished her sentences.

*10 mins later*


"I got his number!" She looked really,really excited. The boy came next to us. I could see him clearly now. He had really curly hair,green eyes,glasses and... wait. He looked just like... No. This isn't.. I.... 

"Harry?..Harry Edward Styles?..." I mumbled.

He just winked. I almost started screaming. He just put his hand on my mouth like a sing to shut my damn mouth and say no word. 

"How did you get in here?!?!?!" We were shocked. Before he could answer I took my iPhone and took us a pic.. I just couldn't resist. 

"I made a bet with the lads. If I could look like a normal student and not being recognized at a school at all,I'll win unlimited tacos for the rest of my life.I almost won this..."

"Don't worry,Haz. We aren't going to tell any..." Adele couldn't finish her sentence since harry gave her a bear hug.

"THAAANK YOU,BEAUTIFUL." he just called her "beautiul". No wonder why he is the flirt. "I'll come to pick you up at 7 o'clock tonight.Just gimme your adress."

"Where are we..?" I said.


And he tried to make that "let's be in a movie and slowly fade away effect" but he just failed.

- - - - 

Here is the first chapter. I really hope you like this. English is not my maternal launguage so there will be a few mistakes. Tell me if I should make more.


Ale (:

Everything Happens for a Reason.[A One Direction fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now