A Few Scary Games

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One person lays face down on the floor, everyone else sits in a circle around them. One person is the speaker, everyone else is quiet. The speakers tells a story about how the laying down person was killed by a murderer and their body filled with sand. They lightly rub their arms or legs and talk about how the murderer filled them up with sand. At the end, the person stands up, they will feel as if their body is full of sand.

2. Bloody Mary

This is one of the most popular scary games, you’ve probably played it at a slumber party at one point in your life. Simply go into the bathroom with the lights off and the door closed. If possible, you can have a single candle burning. Face the mirror and say “BLOOOOOODY MARRRRY” three times and then look in the mirror. According to the urban legend, you may see Bloody Mary in the mirror. She may scratch your face, arms, or back. Or, worse, Bloody Mary could pull you into the mirror with your and you will be stuck in there forever.

3. Tsuji-Ura

This is a Japanese fortune-telling game. It led to suicides in Japan after some people found out some bleak predictions for their futures.

You will need to decide who is going to be the speaker and gather a comb and something with which to cover your face and head to a crossroads at night.

At the crossroads, the speaker makes the comb “speak” three times by running their fingers down the teeth. The speaker then repeats three times: “Tsuji-ura, tsuji-ura, grant me a true response.” Wait at the crossroads until someone approaches.

If no one approaches or if someone you know approaches, the game is over and you have to start over.

If a stranger approaches the crossroads, cover your face and ask the stranger to tell you your fortune.

If the stranger doesn’t respond or refuses to respond, you can uncover your face and wait for a new stranger to try again.

If the stranger tells you your fortune, wait until they leave and then you may uncover your face.

Whatever the stranger has told you is your fortune.

4. Light As A Feather

A classic slumber party game where one participant lays on the floor while everyone else circles around her. Place your hands palm up underneath the person laying down. Ask the spirits to help you life your friend and repeat “light as a feather stiff as a board” until they begin to lift.

5. Concentrate

Concentrate is a divination game that will tell one person how they will die. One person sits in front of another with their eyes closed. The person seated behind will lightly pound on the first person’s back while chanting:

Chorus – (Every time you repeat this portion, you pound lightly on the victims back with both fists)

Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
People are dying. Children are crying.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.

Verse 1 – (Tap the person on the top of their head with your fist and run your hands down both sides of their head – You are imitating the feeling of cracking an egg)
Crack an egg on your head. Let the yolk run down. Let the yolk run down.

Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
People are dying. Children are crying.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.

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