Training Day...

157 6 2

7:00Am Monday morning

Today was just a typical Monday morning for me living with my brother David in bournemouth who happens to be a professional footballer! this means no alarm is needed as he is my alarm for most mornings... this morning i woke up to sound of the radio blaring out and pots bashing around in the kitchen telling me David is up which annoyed me as its my day off today! I work as a physio therapist at bournemouth's ground (not through david at all! 😏) but a completely refuse to massage my own brother! Thats just a no go zone 🤢 i got out of bed in a huff and stormed down the hallway to go tell my very inconsiderate brother to shut the f**k up 🤬 "how many times do i have to tell you David don't wake me up on my days off!" I shouted whilst slamming the radio off "good morning to you too sis anyway you need to be up you're coming with me today" he smirked "what so you're saying i've gotta come into work on my day off just to watch you run around a pitch!" I huffed "no not at all our boss Eddie text me saying he has news so i need to bring you with me" he said "i know who Eddie is! Fine since its for that reason i'm coming" i sighed "good cos you have no choice plus i made you coffee" he said "omg! You're a life saver bro" i squealed in excitement whilst talking the cup of heaven off him "i know you love your coffee in a morning as it stops you being cranky" he smirked "shh! Im having my coffee" i said whilst blocking davids voice out with my hands over my ears david just shook his head at me and chuckled 😂 After my delicious coffee i went upstairs to get ready i took a shower and put my uniform on since i have to go into work! When kyle taylor texted me he's my best friend who also plays for bournemouth

Bestie 😘
Heey! You best be coming into work today boss says he's got news don't ask what its about! Xx

Heyy you! Yeah yeah i know david's already told me god knows what he wants but it better be interesting for me to come in on my day off! 🙄xx

I thought your bro would've told you tell me about it but look on the bright side you get to see me! 😏xx

Ohh big wow i get to see you nearly everyday! 😏 at least i get a maccies breakfast outta david 😂xx

Nice to know im loved! 🙄 omg you lucky bitch best get me one 😲xx

Aww shush you! I love you really 😘😏 you have a footie diet to think about like david does he's only going for my sake 😂😂xx

I love you too i suppose...😏😘fair enough i swear if you told david to give you a million pound he would! 😂xx

Of corse he would im his little sister! 😏😂i'll see you at work bestie ❤️xx

Got him wrapped around his little finger you!😂😏, see you soon brooks ❤️xx

I had to rush kyle off like that because david was waiting in the car for me beeping his horn continuously "im here for god sake i was texting kyle!" I shouted "oh you mean lover boy? Well tough shit you'll see him soon we gotta go!" He huffed "for the last time me and kyle are best friends nothing else!" I cried "hmm whatever you say sis you can tell he fancies the pants off you though" he smirked "just fucking drive david!" I huffed whilst David was just wetting himself 😂 once we arrived at vitality stadium david went to go catch up with the other lads i was on my way to find kyle when suddenly aaron ramsdale our goalkeeper came outta nowhere an snatched my mcdonalds breakfast right out of my hands! "Hey give us a bite mate!" He joked whilst running off with it "Aaron ramsdale give me my bloody brakefast back you moron!" I yelled whilst running after him "stuff off its mine now!" He laughed "oi rammers stop being a dick and give my sister her breakfast back!" Shouted david whilst coming on the pitch with kyle "fine i was only having a laugh" he huffed "trust me mate don't mess with me and my food" i smirked making kyle and david laugh 😂

I was sat on the seats watching my brother and his team mates train when kyle came over to me "having a brake taylor?" I questioned "yeah i'm done in" he sighed whilst sitting on the seat next to me whilst resting his head on me "don't get too comfy mate the gaffer will be shouting you back over soon" i laughed "i know... hey what you think the news is about?" He asked "god knows maybe a pay rise or something" i smirked "naa are you crazy the public complain that we get paid too much!" He scoffed "well thats them they don't understand how bloody hard you guys and i work!" I shouted "tell me about it we don't get paid to stand and look pretty" he said "oh i don't know i could name someone... jack simpson" i coughed messing around "really? I thought you was gonna say your brother" laughed kyle "yeah him too of corse" i winked leaving kyle in stitches 😂 then Eddie shouted us over to join rest of lads "ooo here comes the big news" i said whilst wiggling my eyebrows around "go on you nutter!" Laughed kyle 😂.

Once we reached Eddie and the lads he kicked off his news... "right lads and amy-jo you're probably all wondering what the big news is?" He said "its best be good for me to come in on my day off" i sighed heavily making David nudge me as if to say don't be rude whilst all the lads were in stitches "well if you must know amy-jo its great news actually i have a new signing for this season" he smirked "no way boss who we got!" Cried David "ugh! You're always up for meeting new people im still not convinced" i scoffed "well would it convince you if i said we've got harry Wilson on loan from Liverpool" he smiled my heart literally stopped for a few seconds in shock from what just left my bosses mouth! Whilst on the other hand david was buzzing! "No way my best mate is joining us? He kept that quiet the sly git!" He cried in excitement "he sure is mate he's all signed and ready to join us tomorrow!" Said eddie "amy-jo are you ok you've not said a word?" Asked kyle in concern how the hell do i tell him my crush is coming to join the team!! 😲 "y-yeah im grand im just shocked that we got him" i stuttered still in total shock "well do look a bit flustered since eddie mentioned harry Wilson" he said "trust me kyle im all good" i smiled "she's just excited like me to see harry on our team" said david "yeah exactly that!" I lied even though its more then that my crush is coming to my brothers team! 😍😲 its going to be one very awkward season for me... unless something happens between me and harry? 😏😍 naa who am i kidding with david around im most likely to be marrying myself! 😂🙄

After the great news of harry Wilson joining the cherries on loan this season the lads training session had come to an end once everyone was changed me, David, Kyle and lewis cook when back to mine and davids place for a pizza and game night also to try and FaceTime harry too! ❤️🍒

My brothers best friend 😍 H.W 🔴❤️Where stories live. Discover now