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Chloe had been in hollyoaks for a few weeks and she was settling in with her family bit Chloe didn't like or trust fraser. She didn't care if he was now her stepfather. Chloe didn't care, she didn't like or trust him. Chloe got dressed and sighed as she walked down into the kitchen and sighed as she sandy and fraser who were kissing. She rolled her eyes as she walked over and grabbed herself a cup of coffee "don't mind me" Chloe said as sandy looked to her and smiled "so what are you up to today? As I know that you have been hanging with warren fox and he is bad news Chloe, you need to stay away from him" sandy said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes "your one to talk" Chloe said "what was that?" Sandy asked as Freddie walked in and smiled "Chloe, your coming to the garage with me" Freddie said as Chloe looked to him and frowned as he gave her a look telling her to go along with it

Chloe followed him out of the house and frowned "so what's going on?" Chloe asked as Freddie smiled "I'm taking you out of there before something happens" he said as she looked to him and sighed "I don't trust him Fred, I don't trust him one bit and our mum is going to be the one that ends up hurt and I don't want her to end up getting hurt because of it" Chloe said as Freddie looked to her and smiled "I know, trust me I do but I promise you that fraser will get what coming to him but you need to stay on mums side as he will turn her against is, trust me" Freddie said as Chloe looked to him and nodded


Chloe got to the club and smirked as she saw warren. She looked to him and smirked. Chloe and warren had been getting closer And flirting a lot in the past few months although nothing had happened between them "hello princess, how can I help you" he asked as she looked to him and smirked "well last I knew this was a club and I want alcohol" she said as he looked to her and smirked "it's a bit early isn't it?" He asked as Chloe rolled her eyes "with a family like mine it's not trust me" Chloe said as he looked to her and smirked "family is overrated" he said as he walked over to her. They held a look for a moment as he leant in and kissed her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back


Chloe walked out of the clubs and frowned as she saw fraser with Tegan as they kissed. Chloe was annoyed for her mum knowing he was taking smash for a fool. Chloe got back home and walked I to the living room where sandy was. She looked to Chloe and smiled "are you okay love?" She asked as Chloe sighed "there's something you need to know, I saw fraser with tegan they were kissing" Chloe said as sandy frowned feeling broken hearted over it all

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