Ok...lemme explain a few,things. One, she was not visiting her sister in the hotel. That is what she claimed but multiple times she referred to a man. Two, she did not die there. three, the lobby with the swinging decore used to be a bar and check-in area, where she spent most of her time. She supposedly had a room on the 6th floor but no records tell us what room that was...unless its being covered up (witch it is btw)
Fun fact: the Black Dahlia case remains unsolved only because the person(s) who killed her is dead and can not be convicted. The reason i put "(s)" There is b/c one person definatly killed her but i believe someone else was involved due to secret information he knew that no one else in the public knew. It is an open case but saddly will forever remain labeled as an unsolved case.Ps: i have spent 3,years of my life looking into the facts of this case and connecting as many dots as i possibly can. I even reached out to the LA public library for newspaper records..but they have misteriously went "missing".
I myself even plan going here (on the 100th aniversary, aka 2047, i will be 42. May go before that but eh whatever ) and staying 2 nights, yes 2, to debunk some of the biggest questions this case has to offer. I may even venture to the place she was actually murdered and disected: The Franklin house aka The Hodel house.
Notice at the end, jake slowly looked up then spassed before the boys noticed and the candles and chandelier shook. Afterwards he seemed shocked and dissoriented.
Ok real quick i wanna point,something out.....this is something related to The BD case. When I attempted to print out a picture of here eleged killer. My printer would not work. It wouldn't even turn on. The next day i tried again but it just didn't print. I turned it on but still nothing