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"No Kiawe, but this will help you get stronger

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"No Kiawe, but this will help you get stronger. As you all know, I believe that trainers should put more effort into bonding with Pokemon and, I even got special guests!"

"What kind?" said Mallow. " This is getting more and more interesting by the moment!"

"I got three coordinaters from Hoenn, and they will be visiting us for three months."

" Oh so they are just staying for vacation?" said Lillie, who was also curious who the performers were. 

Ash chuckled. How ironic would it be if May, Dawn, and Drew came to visit?

"I get it now! The coordinators will teach us how to dance with our Pokemon!" Mamane shouted.

"Simple enough." Kaki spoke, sounding relieved. 


"Professor, why is that your ringtone?" Lillie yelled over the ringtone.

''THAT'S HIS RINGTONE!' everyone else shouted in unison.

"Yes, who is this?" Kukui answered. 

The professor signaled for his class to wait for him,as he walked out into the hallways.

"It's May. Anyway, I would like to bring along a friend..." 

"A talented one! Add that May!" said a  voice almost as loud  Kukui's ringtone.

 " Dawn! We don't need to add that, I'm not as skilled as you" a soft voice spoke.

" There is a person on the phone, May. Finish the statement." this person, most likely a male, had a deeper voice.

" Why don't YOU mind your OWN buisness, Drew." Haruka said.

"Where was I?" May continued. "My friend is a coordinator too, can we also bring her along? We will pay for her flight, you don't have to. She is really talented too!

Kukui smiled. " No, it's fine to bring your friend. I will also pay for her flight. You know what they say, The More,The Merrier!

"Thanks, Professor." said Drew. "We really appreciate it."

"See ya tommorow at Hau'oli Airport !"

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