Chapter 5 ~ This will LIVE with you Forever

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"I'm so glad you forgave me don't get me wrong but I'm curious, why?" Klaus asked as he and Caroline were sitting on a bench in the courtyard of Whitmore College

Caroline seemed to zone out for a minute before she answered "I don't know, I guess I believe everyone deserves a second chance"

"But I've had more than one second chance, how many are you going to give me before you give up on the idea that I will have redemption" Klaus asked as he looked Caroline in the eye waiting for her to answer with honesty

Caroline looked in klaus's eyes but what he saw was not honesty it was anger as she said "why are you doing this, can't you just be happy that I forgave you and move on "if you stay in the past you'll never be able to let go" A wise man once said"

Klaus rolled his eyes as he said "let me guess, Elijah"

Caroline then nodded with confusion as she asked "how did you know?"

"Elijah has told me that many times in the past thousand years" Klaus explained as he stood up and Caroline soon followed as she stood up as well and crossed her arms in anger

"I want you to be happy, And I'm happy with you, but I don't think I will be if you keep interrogating me every time we spend time together" Caroline said as she rolled her eyes

Klaus looked at Caroline with shock as he said "I'm sorry, I'll try to let it go"

Caroline wasn't sure he would but she wanted to try and begin to trust him so she nodded along and hugged him as she said "thank you"

Klaus smiled at Caroline and waved goodbye as she walked away in the building

As Caroline was out of sight Klaus then whispered "no way I'm going to let a newbie vampire tell me what to do"

Klaus then began to think of things that happened to Caroline that made her forgive him, he came up with crazy ideas, amnesia, Alzheimer's, but then one thought dawned on him, compulsion

Klaus then began to look around the courtyard as he spotted someone he had no idea was alive, Kol

Klaus making sure no one could see him super sped in front of Kol and grabbed his arm and then super sped him to the Mikaelson Mansion back in Mystic Falls

"Son of a bitch" Kol said as he realized what had happened

Klaus glared at him as he said with confusion "you took the words right out of my mouth, who the hell was dumb enough to pull that dagger out of your Cold Black heart?"

"Not suppose to say" kol smirked

Klaus pulled a dagger out from behind his back as he smirked as well and he said "start talking"

Scared for his safety kol gave in "Elijah"

Klaus's eyes went wide in shock he never expected Elijah to betray him "why?"

"Because he's tired of you controlling us, when he pulled that dagger out of my chest he told me to hideout at college so you wouldn't find me and Dagger me again, he just wants our family to be whole again and all you want to do is separate us, I'm not going to be afraid of you anymore, so put that dagger away because we both know you won't risk daggering me again only for Elijah to find out and  find a way to kill you as well" kol said as he inspired Klaus to get rid of the dagger throwing it as hard as he could into a wall so it stuck making kol flinch
Not realizing his words worked on Klaus

Whitmore College *Book 2* (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now