Friendship Love Bond

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The small classroom that once was empty filled up when the bell rang at 12. Student after student walked into the room, through the halls and up the stairs, then taking a left you'd apper at the Applied math class on the second floor of the big college. The homecoming theme this year was vagas so the halls were decorated in dice and fuzzy little feathes, ceiling lights had colored paper over them causeing the lights to be diffrent colors in each hall way, one would be red and another would be pink, yellow and even black with little twinkle lights on the side to light the way through the halls. Every student was in the pep of things except for one, and that was non other than Drew. He always dressed up and such for the pep events but never really was like the others in it, he always made trouble in his peppyness, he'd rip down the streamers that hung on the hall way walls and doors, and torn down the dice and festhers that were on the walls.

As the bell rang to start class Drew opened the almost closed door and smirked, looking right at the teacher who gave him a stearn glear but Drew just brushed it off and walked over to his seat that sat in the forth row in the class, in the second seat after the first. He ploped down into the chair with a smile. "Nice of you to be joining us today Mr. Drew" the teacher said walking to the front of the class and Drew nodded with a smirk, "Pleasure is all mine Mr. Huff" Drew replied earning a few giggles and whispers from the class.

Mr. Huff was a tall, muscular man with short black hair and glasses. He seemed so seriouse everyday in class, and no matter what he would notice everything every student was doing, he was like a hawk but old..

"Man.. This is so boring.." Drew said with a bored sigh causing Mr. Huff to turn around and scold him, "Drew keep your thoughts you yourself, Everyone else in here might not think that, so shut it" Mr. Huff snapped causing Drew to roll his eyes and just doodle on his paper but only a second later to be yelled at by the teacher again, "Drew, pay attention to the lesson, my face is up here, not on your note book!" Mr.Huff yelled making Drew jump at the sudden yell at himself and he quickly turned his head to the board that had math problems and work scribbled all over it, it was impossible to figure out where they were at in all this. Thinking it was safe Drew glaced down at his note book and began to laugh at his drawing he had been working on but in a snap Mr.Huff was at his desk and tapped his finger on his shoulder and Drew turned slowly and smiled half heartedly "Oh.. Hey Mr.Huff.." Drew said looking at the man but Mr.Huff kept a straight face and pointed at the clock, "5 minutes after the bell" but Drew just blinked in confustion, "Huh..?" but Mr.Huff just kept that same face "Means your staying 5 minutes after class to pick up trash around the classroom" he said slowly and Drew huffed and groaned. "No fair, I gotta ride the bus Mr. Huff, I'm gonna be late if I--" Mr. Huff put his hand up and shook his head, "I've seen you walking home before, besides I've heard you tell your little friends that you walk everyday and you find it unfair that you got to walk so far". Everyone sat in silence for a while until the bell rung and everyone ran out, except Drew. Mr.Huff held out a little bucket and Drew took it with a grumble and began to pick up the trash that layed on the floor of the class room.

^^Next Day^^

---Drew's Pov ---

'Man, Mr.Huff is a total f*cker, making me stay after class yesterday just to pick up stupid a** trash, and only cause I was doodling insted of paying attention.. What kind of punishment is that!?'  Drew thought to himself as he walked through the hall way. 'I swear he never gets on to anyone else but me, it's like he hates me or something.. Wait, why should I care, hes just a stupid teacher, so what if he doesnt like me' Drew added in his mind but then looked down at the ground with a sad sigh, 'but what did I do to even make him start hating me..' but then a sudden burst of anger shot him out of his little sad corner, 'why the hell do I care!? He's just a d*mn teacher, hmph, stupid teacher and there d*mn selves...' he groaned in his mind as he reached the class room door. "F*ck math.." Drew growled as he turned away from the door and stuck his hands in his hoodies pockets and walked away from the door, heading down the halls but only gettting stopped by Mr. Huff. "M-Mr.Huff" he stammered looking up at the man who gleared down at him, "Drew, you know your not allowed to skip class" Mr.Huff said stricktly and I nodded looking down at the ground but I was surpised to hear a more softer tone of voice come from Mr.Huffs mouth, "Just get to class and I wont mark you late or tardy" I instantly looked up at him in awe and blinked "R-Really.. I wont be late or nothing.." I asked Mr.Huff nodded but before I could think he added "But only if you head there now, you've got only five minutes..So get going" Was all he said to me before heading back inside and me darting past him running to class. 'Mr.Huff isn't so bad after all... meh what am I saying he's a teacher... There always mean..' I thought as I grabbed the door handle and opened the door, walking in and heading to my seat only to be greeted by the classmates that sat near me. Soon after I walked in Mr. Huff had walked in giving me a small glance before walking to his desk, "Sorry i'm late class, I was pulled into a meeting" He said so calmly as he picked up a marker and a sheet of math work, "But now that i'm here, were going to begen our work" he added then he looked at me, "And today Mr. Drew, please do pay attention" he said. and I just nodded and grabbed my pen and just watched him write math problems on the board and the whole time I watched I could only think about how nice Mr. Huff had been to me.

^^^^ Next Day, Lunch Time ^^^^  ----Dew's Pov---

I walked over to my little spot near the cherry blossem trees, carrying my lunch in one hand while the other held my soda can. 'I gotta finish up my homework before Mr.Huff's class or else i'm gonna get in so much trouble' I thought as I sat down on the stairs railing by the tree, looking around at all the student's who walked by talking to there friends and eating there food while holding there phones and ipods next to them. I opened my soda and looked down at my home work, "I'm never going to get this done on time.." I sighed as i sipped my soda but then a small giggle was heard and I turned around, only to find a teen standing behind me with a smile on there face causing me to blink. "And what's so funny?" I asked and they just smiled and giggled, "You are" they answered, which caused me glear at them and growl, "Oh yeah, well what's so d*mn funny about me!?" I yelled and the teen just raised there hands in denfense "I was just thinking it was funny on how you were saying you wouldn't be able to get your work done.. It's pretty easy.." they said in a small tone and I just sighed making the teen frown then suddenly smile. "You know.. I could help you out with your math" they said shyly and I just blinked and looked at them, "Really? You want to help me?" I asked kinda confused but they nodded and smiled "M-hm~" .

The teen sat next to me and smiled, "See, all done" they said in a child like voice and I gave them a small smile, "Yeah.. Thanks for helping me out" I said softly and they just turned there head away with a small blush making me blink, 'for some reason I feel like I've know this kid before like I've seen them before but..' I was snapped out of my thoughts when the teen shook my shoulder, "Hm..?" I mumbled as i looked over at him and the teen stood up, "The bell rang.. time for class" they said softly and I stood up and walked to the hall way door, then turned back to the teen. "Thanks again.." I said and they nodded before running up to me and hugging me then darting off into the now crowd of kids walking through the school. I shook off the weird feeling I got from the hug and headed inside, 'I never got there name..' I said to myself sadly as I walked into class only to stop mid stearm as I looked up to see the teen who I saw earlyer, they were standing in the middle of the class room, looking down at the floor shly. "I-It's you.." I said in shock but they didn't hear me over the talking of the other sudents. I hurried to my seat as Mr.Huff walked to the front of the class, "Class, this is our new student" Mr.Huff said in a strean voice to make us all shut up, then he continued, "Now then, tell us your name.. No need to be shy" he added and the teen looked up a little bit, I saw a small blush on there face. The teen took a small breath then looked at the class, "My name is Izumi.." the teen said softly and I almost fell out of my seat, 'Izumi.. Izumi.. thats izumi!?' I yelled in my head. I couldn't beilve it, it had been 5 years since I last saw Izumi. As I looked back up to the front I saw Izumi give me a soft smile before blushing a little bit making me hide my face in my hoddie sleeves, ''Oh man.. Why didn't i notice it before..I should have know it was Izumi..'' I whispered to myself and soon I heared foot steps walk over to my desk and a soft tap on my shoulders, I lifted my head and my eyes met Izumi's.

Friendship Love BondWhere stories live. Discover now