\\ Chapter 1 //

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: The present day

Alydia's POV

The wind gushes far behind me, dragging my pitch black hair with it, breezily. I walk against it,further down the pathway, as I run my fingers daintily over the sunflowers that are facing the rays of the sun. It was a peaceful morning, and all of the sudden, I hear a clamour. A door knob clicks open.

How is that possible? A door in the middle of a garden of sunflowers?


I was woken up by a sudden exclaim of someone's voice. I stood up instantly, gasping for air, as I hold my hand over my rapidly beating heart.

"Adele, do you really have to give me a heart attack everyday?" I asked.

I run my fingers through my bird nest of a hair. It did not manage to go further down as it was badly crumbled up.

"Hmm Lets me think .. YES! Now get the hell up or we are going to leave you to walk to school" Adele demands, walking up to me and pulling my blanket away.

I looked at the time and it was 7:45 AM. There was no way I could possibly make it to school. But i could not miss today as well, because it was literally my first day of senior year.

"It's Okay, you guys can leave.I need more than 15 mins to get ready"

I got out of the bed, leaving a silent good bye to it and walked unwillingly, to the bathroom, rubbing my eyes hard.

I quickly took a good shower and came out, still thinking I did not take longer than a good ten minutes but something in me, drifted my eyes towards the clock.

8:00 O'Clock


I began to run around the room, quickly, gathering all the belongings to take to I then, put on my usual outfit which included a dark grey hoodie, black pants and paring it with white converse, and exited out of the door grabbing my bagpack.

"Bye Mom and Dad! I am a little late.No problem though, so no need for a lecture when I get home" I gave them a reassuring smile.

" A little late?! Its 8:15! You will reach school when it is home time" My mom scolded me.

Neither less , I landed a bigg kiss on her cheek to calm her down and sprinted out of the house before my life ended.

: At the school

"Good Morning" I say, hidding my face from the embarrassment that I am about to face.

"A late note please"

The time was now 8:45, I was sweating like a wet dog and tired from a combination of running, speed walking and jogging, to school .

"Alydia, it is the first week" The receptionist, Mrs. Angel, says shaking her head .

" Yes, I am aware" I said, as I feel my face turning red.

" You see, I simply forgot school starts today". I continued, giving her a dainty smile.

Mrs.Angel laughed and handed me a note.

"Thank you "

I grabbed it and ran without looking where I was going. I stopped just in time before I crashed into someone.

" Sorry , I wasnt- "

" E-Eugene ". My mind whispers to myself

Meanwhile I was starring at him, I was also smiling like a malfunctioning doll, but it was too late before It struck my mind.

After all, I am standing in front of Eugene Hale, the man I had a crush on, ever since I understood what love is. He was so handsome. Some pieces of his gelled, brown hair had fallen on to his face, so effortlessly, enhancing his bold facial features. He wore a denim jacket over a plain white shirt, ripped light blue denim pants and some nike shoes. He was atleast 6'4 in height, build in manner where his shoulder stood broad and strong, his arms looking like they were made out of steel. Every feature on his body was strong, muscular and visible.

While I was mesmerized by his beauty, his emotionless eyes starred down at me, a 5'6 wimp.

I was completely lost in his eyes that I didnt even realise he was waiting for me to move out of his way.

"Oh! " I let out a small laugh " Sorry! Didnt realize I was blocking- "

As soon as I moved out his way, Eugene left opening the door to the reception.


I felt my heart skip a beat.

I felt my stomatch drop, my heart sink as I realised I knew the consequences I would face, as i spoke to him.

We stopped being friends ever since he was thirteen and I was twelve. I never really knew the exact reason why he did not want to be my friend anymore. I do think it is because the bullying got worse and everyone jumped into that band wagon to stand out cool. No one wanted to be friends with a loser who gets bullied all the time. But Eugene, I could not forget about him even if I tried to. I had a crush on him ever since I understood what Love was. He is good man with good heart. Part of me wished that he will end up being my mate but that is all just a wish, nothing more.

"I do not know what I did to you Eugene, but I hope we can go back to the way we were"
I whispered to myself, wishing that he could hear me.

I turned back, away from the entrance door and faced the rest of the school. I wonder what the rest of the day, holds for me.


There was only fifteen minutes left of the first class to finish. I tap my foot on the floor as I debated on walking in and making a fool out of myself or just skip this class and get marked, absent.

On the first day of senior year.
For the first class of the year.


I knocked on the door and Mr.Dallas, my chemistry teacher opens up the door.

"Alydia! How nice of you to join the class the last 15 minutes. Not that you have missed any part of the first lesson of AP chemistry". He said, exaggerating on that "first", making me cringe.

"Are you going to stand there like the statue of liberty or enter the class? ".

The whole class burst out laughing and I could feel my face heat up. Automatically, I hid my self from the long strands of my hair and walk to a seat.

"Oh dear god! Another year with this worthless excuse of a werewolf. What kind of a sin did we commit to have this outsider breath the same air as we do".

Across the seat from me, Kristan Hann Guile , my all time bully, begins her usual torment as she voices those venomous words out of her big mouth as she twirls her blonde hair.

I glance at her for a nanosecond and looked away. Answering them back is basically asking for death and the teachers are no help either.

" Outsider " A word they still call me and have me questioning my whole life what this ment.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the door opened again , all heads turned in that direction



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