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Name: Kazu Zansu
Occupation: Leader of the Zansu Mountain wolf pack
Bio: Provides protection over the others doesn't get along with those who try to take away his position . Was abandoned by his pack when he was a cub met Boa and Kaishu when they were new borns became their protector ever sense . Though he does have a soft side for cute things .
Favorite food: anything meaty
Favorite place to be: Near lakes and rivers
Love interest: open
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Name: T'suna Zansu
Age :17
Occupation: master hunter
Bio: T'suna was found by Kazu and the others when she was running from hunters in a nearby village she was stealing meat to feed her little sister Sashin . Though Kazu doesn't trust T'suna but he makes and exception for Sashin
*Favorite food : Lamb
Favorite place : Gardens
Love interest: Open
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Name: Boa Zansu
Age :18
Occupation: Tracker and Singer
Bio: Boa was born with her twin brother Kaishu , after a storm harshly separated them from their mother and pack these two wolfs managed to make the most of their talents in order to live peacefully with humans after living amongst the humans for 18 years they decided to find their pack but what they found was a family
Favorite food: Fish and Fruit
Favorite place : home with her family
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Name: Kaishu
Age : 18
Occupation: same as his sister
Favorite food: Salmon
Favorite place : bears den
Love interest: Open
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Name: Sashin Zansu
Age 9
Occupation: none
Bio: was explained earlier but most importantly she doesn't like to leave Kazu's side she sees him like a big brother