Chapter Seven

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Hey everyone! Thank you so much for sending my family your prayers and being so nice! I really appreciate it and did read all of your messages and comments!

Mini rant at the end of the chapter that you don't have to read, so see you next chapter! :D


It Started With A Phone Call ~ Chapter Seven

©Copyright 2012, AmySousa

~Sky's P.O.V~

           I ran back inside of the apartment with jack before quickly locking all of the doors. The elevator was taking a bit too long so I opted for running up the stairs. Running up the many flights of stairs.

           "Looks like I'm set for the next year of exercise," I joked to myself before letting Jack off of the leash.

           "Oh you're back, I was just wondering if- whoa! Did you just run a marathon?" Dan asked as I trudged to the sofa.

           "I actually got a creepy call by someone who sounded like Trevor and got scared when they complimented me on my scarf," I told him in a grumpy tone. Dan's eyes widened a bit before he sat by my side.

           "Was it him?" He asked after holding my shaking hands. "I'm not really sure. The voice was a bit deeper and gruff. How would he have gotten my number anyways?"

           "It's easy to get anyone's number. We need to alert the police that we suspect that he's contacting you... even if it's not him. Better safe then sorry."

           I nodded in agreement. "Would we be able to go there now?" I asked Dan. I'd rather get it over with rather then wanting to forget it and not do anything about it until he next time.

           As soon as Dan nodded I stood up and headed to the door. Dan grabbed his keys from the hook before putting on a jacket.

           "I hope you know that I'm bringing you to work everyday and picking you up. And I'm also walking with you and Jack from now on," Dan said before starting the car.

           I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm not a baby, Dan. I can take care of-"

           "Yourself, I know. But now we have this little munchkin and we can't risk anything happening to either of you," Dan said with his eyes boring into my own. I wiped the stray tear that fell down his face before pecking him on the lips.

           "Let's just get this over with," I said before snuggling into Dan's right arm.


           "We're here," Dan, said lightly to wake me up. "How long have I been out?" The ghost of a smile appeared on his face.

           "Four minutes."

           We walked into the station while holding hands. I had my other one on my stomach. When we entered we told the secretary that we wanted to speak to someone about a possibility that someone was breaking his or her restraining order.

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