You're a shadowhunter part 2

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I entered the threshold of the institute where the commotion was taking place.

I saw Simon freaking out as usual, Clary defending him as usual, Jace defending Clary, as usual and Alec being mad at Clary, as usual.

What struck me as out of the ordinary was that Clary was wearing a very revealing dress.
So being a protective brother, I walked up to her, shrugged off my leather jacket and handed it over to her.

She looked at me questioningly.
"No way in hell am I letting you wear that." I explained.
"Hi Si" I greeted.
"Hey Gabe."
"Moving on." Jace said quickly.

"There was a circle member attacking Clary and the mundane, Alec." Jace said.

"Are you alright? God I'm so stupid, I should've gone with you." I said guilty.
"It's alright." Clary said.

"What is a circle member?" I asked Jace.
"Right so all we know is that a long time ago the circle a revolt where many shadowhunters were killed including my father." Jace replied and said the last part sadly.

I fought the urge to apologise. It's not gonna help anyway.

"And since the revolt we're forbidden to even hear about the circle." Alec completed.

"But how's that even possible, it's your history." Clary asked stupidly.
"Even we didn't know about out past Clary." I reminded her.
"Yeah and only our mother knows that. Do you know of anything that can help us find her." Clary said desperately.

"Yes, let's discuss it inside." Jace said.
Simon, me and my twin started walking.

"Not the mundane." Jace said firmly.
"But we're a package deal." Clary protested.
"Yeah." Simon said pathetically.
"Right Gabe?" They looked at me expectantly.

"I don't know guys. I think Simon should sit this one out. It's dangerous for him." I replied from the heart.

"Finally somebody who agrees." Alec said relieved.
"You are only saying that because you want him to like you." Clary said angrily pointing at Alec.

"No, I said that because I actually care about my friend's well being, unlike you who wants all the moral support for her tantrum regardless of who gets hurt in the process." I said coldly. Why is she acting like a brat?

"So you think our mother getting kidnapped is a joke?" Clary spitted her face as red as her hair.

"No it's not. But I don't see how Simon consoling you and getting hurt in the process is going to save her." I said equally angry. God what is it with her.
"He might help instead of just ' consoling'." Clary defended Simon.

"Sure if the Xbox characters are alive and are coming to eat us up Simon will come in handy. We'll call him them." I said sarcastically.
"Why won't you let Simon stay?" Clary said fuming.


"I don't want his death to be on me." I said lowering my voice.
"No it will be on me."

"Could be but I'll still miss my best friend." I shrugged.
"But if you want to take that chance you're most welcome to." I said. I give up. She's being a bitch.

"I will." Clary said, all high and mighty, and with that she grabbed Simon's hand and walked in.
Jace gave me an apologetic look and followed her inside.

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. When I thought everyone was inside I let a tear slip. Great my Mom is as good as dead and my sister and best friend hate me.
I felt someone wipe my tears. I looked up to see Alec smiling at me sadly.

"You tried to do the right thing." He said consolingly.

"I'm counting on it because that just caused the person I loved the most hate me." I said dejectedly.
I shook my head.

" Ok pity party over let's go inside." I said putting on a fake smile.
He nodded and we went inside.

They were all discussing about runes when me and Alec entered.

"Bring on the runes. I can handle the runes. By the way what are runes?"
Simon said stupidly.

"They give shadowhunters power to fight demons." Izzy said sweetly.

"So hot." Simon said as if in a trance.

I cleared my throat while Alec gave him his best death glare.
"I mean the runes." Simon corrected himself.
"Don't worry people. I'll watch over your best friend. In fact I was about to make breakfast." She said being an amazing hostess.

"On second thought runes might be less lethal." Jace joked.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Please excuse my brother's lack of manners." Izzy said to Simon." I'm Isabelle and this is my brother Alec." She finished.

"Great he's your brother." Simon muttered. And he then stupidly shook Izzy's outstretched hand instead of kissing it. I face palmed.

"Lewis, Simon. Simon Lewis. Two first names. Am I still talking."

"Yes and you would do the world a big favour by shutting up." I said bluntly.

Simon gave me a ' shut up ' look.

"See best friend safe and sound." Izzy smiled and I smiled back. I mean her smile is contagious.
Clary still looked worried.

"Jace if something happens to him.." Clary said to her knight in shining armour.

" Gonna be fine. I think." Simon says looking at Izzy.

"Yeah best case scenario he loses his virginity, worst case scenario he gets food poisoning." I said with a serious face.

Everybody started laughing at that except for Clary and Simon. Huh she's still pissed at me. Even Alec cracked a smile.

"We are going to the training room, come on." Jace said.

Alec started going with them but I put my hand on his shoulder. He gave me questioning glance.

"Do you have a Google thing for searching up different supernatural beings?" I asked him.

"Yeah why?" He inquired.

" Can you search somebody up for me?" I pleaded.

"Sure, follow me." Alec said. He went up to desk thing with the latest technology blah blah blah.

"Name?" He asked.

"Magnus. I don't know the surname." I said.

"Mom mentioned his name when she send us through the mirror thing." I explained.

"The mirror thing is called a portal." Alec corrected me.

"Anyways the most famous one coming up is Magnus Bane." Alec said.
"He's the high warlock of Brooklyn." Alec continued.

"He might help us." I said.
Before Alec could answer Clary and Jace came in.

"Our Mom was in the circle." She said to me.

"Ok." I said.

"Valentine tried to kidnap her because she supposedly stole the mortal cup." She finished.

"Do you remember anything that could help us find her." Jace said urgently.

"Nothing." Clary said before I could answer.

"Then I think a warlock wiped your memory." Jace said.

"Magnus Bane." I said the same time Clary said, "Dot."

"We should look for her first." Clary said.

"Have it your way." I said with indifference. Honestly she would not even listen to me so why bother arguing.

Hey guys just wanted to say that if you like this story then please vote and comment. Thanks and happy reading.😄🤗

Angel With A Shotgun - A. LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now