Drabble #3: The Goodbye

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Hello, another drabble! Pardon the typos. I'm not too happy with the final outcome, but oh well. Enjoy

TW: Allusions to suicide ideation, smut, rimming


Baekhyun had prepared everything thoroughly, needing deep inside to give Chanyeol the best birthday he could. After all, it would be the last they would spend together... Not that Chanyeol knew that.

As such, the smaller went all out, preparing all of Chanyeol's favorite dishes and baking the cherry pie the giant had come to love so much. He bought the taller's favorite liquor, got pretty birthday decorations and filled the place with apple-scented candles. And for the final touch he baked Chanyeol a chocolate cake with the recipe he loved so much.

He hoped Chanyeol liked everything and he promised himself he would enjoy their time together. He ran around finishing the final touches of the evening before settling down on the couch. He felt jittery with nerves, afraid of what the man's reaction would be.

Unoccupied while waiting, his mind wandered away to what he would have to do two days after. His heart ached at the thought of having to leave the love of his life without a proper goodbye, the only words left to explain what happened on a letter full of lies he didn't even come up with him. He knew Chanyeol would be devastated, he knew he would be incredibly hurt. It killed him to think he would be the cause of that, but it had to be done for the giant's well being.

Chanyeol meant everything to him. He'd reminded him that he could fall in love not only with someone else, but with himself. He pushed him to better himself, to fight for his ideals and dreams, to not give up on himself and to believe that he was capable of anything he set his mind to. The giant was the only family he had, well before Jongin and Luhan became his friends too. Chanyeol was the first one to give him a chance and to show him that, indeed, he could be loved. And now, he would have to give up on him.

He was devastated.

Taking a deep breath, he made himself calm down. It was not the time to dwell on that. He had to focus on his time with Chanyeol, that was all that should matter.

When he heard keys at the front door, he plastered a bright smile on his face and stood up, ready to give Chanyeol all the love he could before it came to an end.

Chanyeol stepped in and the frown on his face immediately smoothed as soon as his eyes fell on Baekhyun. He took the smaller into his arms and leaned down to kiss him. Baekhyun immediately responded, wrapping his arms around his neck and tangling his fingers in his hair.

They stayed in that position for a while, their lips connected in between smiles and words of affection.

"Happy birthday, Chanyeollie," murmured Baekhyun against the taller's lips.

"Thank you, Baekhyunee," replied Chanyeol as he studied Baekhyun's face with nothing but love and adoration in his eyes.

"Come on before the food gets cold," said Baekhyun as he took the giant's hand and took him over to the dining room.

Once the taller was sitting down, Baekhyun got to work, serving the food and the drinks. Chanyeol offered to help, but Baekhyun refused. There was no way he would allow Chanyeol to move a finger during their celebration. The evening went by nicely, the giant seeming to enjoy the food Baekhyun had prepared for him. They spoke about different subjects, Chanyeol telling him all about the last couple of days, since they hadn't had much time to catch up lately.

"Ah Baekhyunee, so many brands want me to endorse them. It's crazy! And my first world tour is on the works too. I can't believe I've managed to pull this off," said Chanyeol, his pretty eyes shining as he spoke about all the goals he'd managed to reach.

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