Chapter 9

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After that incident with Tharion, I walked in the hallway wherein the ball is located. Someone called my brother's name behind me. I simply turned myself and saw a cute little girl.

'Argh, who is it now?'

"Brother Hyluxe, there you are" she said and ran in front of me

"Who are you?" I asked

She pouted and had a teary eye expression.

"Why brother Hyluxe? Why did you forget your favorite little sister?" she cried

'L-Little sister? But why? How did that happened. Did father had a mistress? And the worst is she said the word "favorite"'

I frowned at her and turned my back.

'I can't accept you, hmmp!'

Soon before, Warren came when he heard the girl's cry. He walk unto me and whisper.

"That girl was Tharion's little sister, Thalia. You are quite nice to her and that's because Tharion agreed to the collaboration"

I gasped to myself and realized that I ruined everything.

'I'm so dumb!'

I looked at the girl and seems that she's finished crying. I act like I had an headache and slowly kneeled on the floor.

"Brother Hyluxe, are you okay?" she said and help me

"I-I'm sorry, little sister. It seems that I lost my memory when I was missing so that I can't remember things quitely" I alibied

"Sorry brother Hyluxe, sorry for being stubborn and always crying. I missed you a lot" she said and hugged me while crying. I hugged her back in return.

'It seems that she's a good girl after all. If brother cherishes her, then I must cherish her as  well'

Not long ago, the meeting is done and were about to head home. I checked my phone and saw the message of my friend popped into my notification.

"How's going?", its said

I replied her, "Things are quite more interesting"

I smirked and look outside the car's window. I saw one of my rivals walking in a drunk manner. I signed Warren to stop and I will take a check on that person.

"Where are you going?" he asked

I didn't mind him and just smirked. I quickly headed towards that person. That person was Horus Queng. He was a comrade of Ruang Sheng and was a hipokrite person. He was also the reason why Ruang and Rikia got engaged.

I looked Horus while he was walking criss-cross and swaying almost had been fell.

I beat his nape and he fell unconscious. I kicked his stomach and he began to cry for help. He seems to have a conscious enough to determine he is in trouble.

'How dare you to frame my brother for attacking you! For now, I just have you to pay the humiliation you give to him'

I grab the pail full of dirty stock and poured it out of Horus. The pail had been stucked into his head and covered his eyes.

'You will gonna eat all my wrath'

I kicked him again until he spit blood.

'This is only an appetizer. I'm not done with both of you and the dogs. A horse like you should obey your master or else you'll be whiped!'

After that, I decided to fall back into the car with Warren. He's looking at me in a surprised expression and it seems like he thought of me getting hurt.

"Warren, let's go" I said

He quickly drive the car and it was me who never fade my smile into my lips. Warren seems to often look at me.

"Warren, eyes in front"

"O-Okay" he said

Sudeenly, a man with a dirty face and a little blood in the nose has appeared in our front. Warren quickly stopped the car.

"Ho-Horus Queng?" Warren uttered

"Warren, go out and help him." I commanded

"Alright" he responded

He helped Horus to get up and get inside the car. He seems to be smelly do I decided to sit beside Warren and left Horus in the backseat.

"Did you see who did thid to you?" Warren asked

"N-No, not actually. It happens very fast and I don't know what really happened." Horus replied

"It's alright now. The good thing is you are fine now. Friends must be helping each other" I said.

Warren starts the car and drive.

Tharion's POV

"Ryan, spill it" I said

Ryan retrieve his telescope and looked unto me.

"Jin Hyluxe's last words said,'Friends must be helping each other" he replied

I gazed upon the scenery.

'Jin Hyluxe, you truly are interesting'

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