Did You Really Love Me?

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(A/N I'm rewriting the chapters which are basically editing. The titles of each chapter are staying the same so nothing is changing except the wording and format. Hope you guys enjoy the updated versions of these chapters. Long time no see updating all chapters and deleting a few. Hope you like the revision. I will take the Under Heavy Editing away when all the chapters are revisioned.)

Dear Asshole,

You always said " I love you" either through text or in person. When we were alone you showed me a side of you that everyone else didn't see. I told you things that no one else knew and recent events I didn't want others to know about. Why might you ask? It was because I loved you. But did you love me?

    We broke up over text and I was sad but I understood why we broke up. You didn't want me to worry about you while you were out of state. I told you right from the beginning that I didn't care if you talked to other females. So why ruin a relationship that was going perfectly? Well, that's what I thought our relationship was.

   Perfect. Turns out it wasn't, after we broke up I saw you for who you truly are. I was sad, yes but also angry. I was angry because you only wanted me for my fucking body and not for who I was. You never showed any remorse or even explained why we broke up over a fucking text.

    A fucking text message. Not even a phone call but a fucking text message. You didn't even have the fucking balls to wait the next day when you were back in the city to dump me in person like a man . So to answer my question, no. You didn't love me and you never did. Not at fucking all.

    You just wanted another toy to play with for a while until you got bored and then throw away like a doll. You even flirted with one of my friends in front of me not even weeks after we broke up. She told me all the shit you would say behind my back. That showed that you never gave a shit about me. For example, "she meant nothing to me" or "she's not my girlfriend." or the times you claimed to be joking after you said some fucked up shit and said "I'm just messing with you" afterward.

    In reality, you hurt me more than the others have in the past. You used and abused me mentally. After all the shit that has happened in my life an even bigger scar has been made. Though this time it can't heal because it's on my heart.

    So thank you for showing me that no one can ever love a fragile, broken, and unfixable vase. I can never say this to you in person but you know who you are. So I wish you the best of luck in the future. As well as the best of luck to the next girl who gets broken by you. She'll need it.

-All my love, Anastasia Romanov


It's been a long time since I've either updated or wrote anything. I'm rewriting the entire book just because before it made no sense. I'm also going to cut some ideas just because it either takes too long to write or I'm not really feeling the idea anymore. Like Heathers, I'm going to cut that idea just because I feel like the music and movie speak for themselves. I'm going to cut out K-12 though since it's a long-ass album. Also at the end of each personal experience or creative story, there is going to be a name. Sometimes the names will be the same and other times it will be different. Until next time my little Villains.

-Anime lover

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