Someone completely different...

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Rosa Storm

I woke up on a sunny, sandy beach. Looks like the wave only drove me slightly further away, and then the sea washed me back up. I checked my phone to see the time, as I was meant to go to my friend's house for a sleepover at 5, and I could not believe my eyes. It was 5 WHOLE DAYS later! Why didn't Dad wake me up or Zak throw sand in my face or something? Wait a minute... Zak. I looked around for him to gloat about winning our contest. I mean... I didn't know for sure, but I was pretty sure I'd won. 

"ZAK! Where are you, you big baby? I think we can both agree that I won, so come over here! I have a big list of chores for you to do for the next few days, so you better get on them!" I shouted. I looked around but he didn't pop up anywhere. I thought that maybe he'd gone inside, since it was 5 days later after all, so he might have completely forgotten about our agreement and was playing Minecraft with one of his annoying little friends or something. I looked around for our house, but couldn't find it anywhere. 

Slowly, it dawned on me that I was on another beach, not the one from home. THAT was probably why neither Zak or Dad woke me up. There was another beach in another state a few miles away across the sea in the distance, so if I hurry I could still catch a train and make it home by lunchtime. But first, I decided to call my friend and apologise that I couldn't make it to the sleepover. But when I took my phone out of the pocket of my shorts and couldn't reach her, I realised I had no signal. OH THE HORROR! 

I walked around trying to get a better signal but I couldn't get one anywhere. So, I decided to just hide my phone so no one will take it (because you never know whether someone you pass in a train station is a professional pickpocket-er), and started to walk along trying to find a path or something that led into a town which might have a train station. Then I could simply call her on the train or when I get home.

A couple minutes later, I found some steps which led up into a market place. As I walked through the market, my stomach started growling. I walked past a stall which sold freshly ripened fruit and bottles of water, and dug into my pocket. I found some spare change, and picked out a lovely, red apple and a nice, tall bottle of water and gave the money to the seller. Then I asked him where the nearest train station was.

He laughed like I was crazy, and then said "Oh, you young people these days are so funny! There are no trains in the Bermuda Triangle! I don't even know what a train IS! Can you please explain to me what you mean by that?" He asked. "Wait... back up a second. Did you say Bermuda Triangle?" I asked. "Yep, I've assumed you've heard the legends. Wherever you're from, you should know that whether something is lost in the sea, in the air or on Earth, it ends up here in the Bermuda Triangle. Does that ring a bell?" He asked. I nodded, and then asked "But wait... if this is the Bermuda Triangle, then have you seen my brother Zak anywhere around here in the last five days? Small, red shirt, black hair..." I listed, and he nodded. "You mean Zak Storm? Yeah, he comes round here every day with his crew. He's always throwing some money here and there for food, because his Viking keeps on eating all of their fish." And then he laughed. "But of course, if you guys are siblings, you probably already know that, don't you?" He asked. The Viking and crew were news to me, but I nodded and pretended that I knew. "Oh yeah... that Viking is a REALLY big eater. Um, thank you for the food and your chat, I really appreciate it, but I've got to get back to my... place, now. Goodbye!" I stuttered awkwardly, and then quickly ran away from that stall as fast as possible. 

Since when did my brother have a crew? Why does everyone hear seem to know him even though we've never been in this place before? Every time I mentioned the name Zak to someone, they immediately jumped on telling me stories about what they described as "the brave and awesome Zak Storm." This one old person even told me that "He's saved Marituga a bunch of times. Everyone knows him." So at least that explained what this little island was. 

After about a half hour of asking around and seeing if anyone knows him or have seen him recently (which A LOT of people said yes they did), I started to get hungry again, so I found a bench and started to eat. But then I saw people screaming and running down the steps. Stall owners hid underneath the table or behind the nearest barrel. People who were looking out their windows of their houses, quickly closed the shutters. One guy even climbed into a rubbish bin. Children were screaming and running into the open arms of their parents, who then immediately took them into the nearest house. And then...

I saw them. At least two dozen skeletons carrying guns, pistols and swords, walking in front of a golden skeleton that was a lot taller and more dangerous-looking than the others. He was probably who people were trying to run away from. The Golden skeleton looked like he was approximately double the height of me and Zak put together, and was wearing a long black cape-looking thing. He had small, green pupils as eyes, a golden hook to replace his right hand and his mouth looked like a skeleton's jaw that missed the bottom half. "Search this island and do not come back until you've found the Chaos, Zak Storm, or anyone from his annoying crew!" He demanded. Geez, even this golden skeleton guy knew him, except unlike the Marituga citizens, this guy didn't seem to like him. The second he said Zak Storm, there was a tinge of distaste in his voice, as if he couldn't stand the name. It sounded almost like he wanted to kill him...

I dove off the bench and pressed my back against the wooden post of a side of a stall. I could feel the golden skeleton's eyes on me as he looked at the post while the other skeletons spread out in different directions, but then he growled and turned away. I sighed in relief. That guy looked dangerous, and I wondered what Zak had done to upset him. But then a voice that definitely belonged to Zak, shouted "CALABRASS! Give me the Eye of Aeria!" Then lightning struck. I looked over my shoulder and saw a couple of skeleton bones smouldering at my brother's feet. Next to him, was a girl who looked like she was half-fish or something (I almost had to resist laughing), A huge guy a lot taller than the others who was probably the Viking that the stall owner was talking about earlier, and a golden ball with a black screen and cool-looking extendable arms and legs. 

My brother changed back from a cool purple armour on his arm and lightning axe, to a regular sword with a skull on its hilt, and he ran and jumped to the big, golden skeleton. "Golden Bones, I've got seven words for you!! Aren't all these fear shows and frightening innocent people getting a little bit boring for you?" Zak asked. "I never give up, Zak Storm! Not until Skullivar gets what he wants and my wish comes true... that you are nothing more than a dead body at my feet!" Golden Bones said and pushed my brother off balance with his hook. Zak fell to the ground. 

His crew members were attacking the other skeletons. I considered my next move in my head: Go in and help him, or let him be. He was getting back up after all, so he wasn't injured or anything. As he was about to slash the guy he called Golden Bones again, he laughed and then Zak turned around. His crew were surrounded by a large circle of skeletons. "Give me the sword or my skeletons will kill your pitiful little friends!" He demanded, reaching for his sword. I looked around quickly, and spotted a gun dropped by a skeleton who was just scattered bones near me. I quickly grabbed it without anyone looking, and fired a shot at the skeletons surrounding Zak's friends. A few pulls of the trigger, and all of the skeletons were gone. Everyone looked around to see who did it. Even the golden skeleton looked confused. But then Zak called "Calabrass! Give me the Eye of Sino!" and transformed into ice armour. He jumped into the air and froze all of the skeletons, including the big one he was fighting. 

He turned back to his crew. "You guys alright?" He asked, putting his sword away. "Who did that?" The fish girl asked, and everyone looked around. I was worried they would be mad if they found me, so I quickly pressed my back against the post again. "I don't know, but maybe we should go back to the Chaos. Everyone is safe now." Zak said, and his crew nodded. As children ran out of the houses again with footballs or basketballs, people started opening their windows to let fresh air back in, and stall owners started selling their things again, Zak and his friends left. I sighed and put down the gun. 

Never before had I seen my brother so brave, so cocky, or so fierce. He was like a completely different person. But to be honest I started to get worried. If the Bermuda Triangle could change a boy like Zak in just a matter of days, does it change everyone? Will it change who I am and my personality, like it seemed to do with my brother? Will it change my life? 

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