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"I take what I want when I want..who's gonna stop me?"

"Red , Captain Red or rather Miss Red sounds good to...hm..."
Angelina "Ruby" Richard

"What does it look like?"

"Captain Ruby Red is the only name you'll use"

"Is that really important?"

"What does it matter?"



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As a royal:

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As a royal:


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Red is very rebellious along with rude at times and tends to follow by her own rules really naming them up as she walks the road we all call life. She also tends to be very straight to the point and blunt when it comes to certain things. When someone brings up her past she tends to studder and slip up but does stick to the story she tells everyone about how she was born into poverty and her parents were killed. Red is also manipulative, using her looks and voice to her advantage then of course she is a literal sadistic, which is also another reason how she got the name 'Red' ,aside from her hair, from the color of the blood and the huge amounts spill out from the body once she's done. When she's not really killing or being mean, she's pretty laid back and chill..cool person to hang out with until she feels threatened or offended.

her ship
being captain
showing people up
being the best but she doesn't take loosing to heart either
her ship

individuals who think they can get over her
being drunk
her secret bring uncovered
loosing/damaging her ship

Red, as she calls herself, was born into royalty believe it or not. Though she had everything handed to her and everything did for her she hated it. She also couldn't voice her opinion on things at all, having decisions made for her. At the age of 13, she decided she wanted to make her own decisions and do everything on her own so in fact she ran away. The kingdom looked for her for a couple of years before figuring she was dead. As a teen she found herself on a ship, hiding from the crew until she was found out about 2 days later once they noticed things began missing. The captain overall liked her rebellious personality and how she didn't want to listen to anybody so he actually took her under his wing, making her his own. After he died, she did take  over the crew and ship.

•her lying skills
•her skills in general
•being a leader
•speaking her mind
•using things to her full advantage

•her past
•over confidence
•opening up to people
•taking things out of context sometimes



•she has a younger brother, 5 years younger


"Why have we stopped?" You asked your crew as you walked from your room, the ship slightly rocked. "Because unfortunately, we've been hit" one of them responded as they led you out to the deck. You walked out, seeing another slightly wider ship that ran into yours. Your crew in sword battles with the opposing crew that were invading your ship. Pulling out your sword, you began to fight as well taking some down.

Just as you raised your sword to stab another opposing crew member, you were kicked in the back to the ground. Looking behind you, you saw a red headed woman standing there with her sword to your neck. "So you're the captain of this ship i suppose?" She raised a brow. You...?

You are the soldier for the British. Apparently they had passed a law stating that, pirates are permitted in any area of  Britain and will immediately be terminated. And under that law, Captain Red was captured and thrown in jail. You, unfortunately had to enforce that rule as well as anyone else and in fact had to guard the cell the infamous villain was kept in.

She didn't seem to talk much, though she didn't have anything to say to you anyway. Nor did she eat any food or water, yet your job was to observe not to socialize with the enemy.

While you were dozing off one late night, you heard a small sound of keys. You immediately woke up, realizing you were the only one with keys. Turning your head back to the cell, you noticed the woman with the keys in her hand attempting to unlock the cell door. You..?

You sighed walking into a bar to just hang out with a few of friends and get away from life really. You were enjoying the talks and time with them until the whole bar got quiet, you turned to where they all were looking. You noticed it was the body of a woman but her hat covered her face. "It's rude to stare. Continue on" she called out to the bar and they turned their heads from her and continued on.

You watched as the woman walked to a table in the back and sat down, putting her feet on a nearby chair. She lifted her hat up enough to see her face. You gasped softly and got up moving over to her, "Angelina?" She asked. She responded as if she got offended and covered your mouth, grabbing you by the collar and pulling you along with her out of the back of the bar. She slammed you into a tree putting a dagger to your throat. "How do you know of-...(Y/N)?!" She questioned after realizing that you two used to be friends in younger days before she ran off. "What the hèll?!". You..?

Make it up

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