Chapter 52

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Adrian slept in the next morning. When he woke up, it was half past ten. He was in the center of the bed, and Arden wasn't there. He stared a while at the ceiling, unable to conjure up a single thought. His mind was at peace, and he wished it to stay there in a bright area of serenity.

A knock on the door and then it squeaked softly. Time to return to real life.

"Are you up, my love?" Arden's voice tickled his heart. He lifted his head to look at her. "Ahuh," he murmured then cleared his throat and let his head fall back on the pillow. Was this her first time calling him my love? Or did she say it before and he's forgotten?

"Mrs. Longfeather is downstairs in the parlour. She's desperate to see you."

He jumped to sit up straight, wide awake now. "Mrs. who?" He grimaced.

Arden stepped inside and slowly closed the door behind her. She walked to him and sat on the end of the bed, facing him. "She's been trying for long to speak to you in private. Please, please see her."

"W-what?" Anger began to bubble up inside him, "Why would you want me to see that woman? And why would she go stirring in a long-buried past?"

"She's in distress," she argued, "this meeting will help both of you find closure."

"Closure?" His voice grew louder, "Who said I needed closure? And it isn't my problem she's in need of closure!"

"Shshsh! She could hear you!"

He jumped out of bed began to feverishly change his clothes. "Confound the Longfeathers!" He spat, "Confound them and whoever gets involved with them!"

"Well I suppose that includes me and your father," she replied in a calm tone.

He stopped after having worn his breeches and turned to look at her. His scowl faltered when his eyes met her radiant face. She has put on some weight, and it suited her. She was in a white bodice with wide sleeves and an aqua skirt. His temper began to cool a little. "I'm seeing her only because you asked."

"She's innocent in all of this."

"And I am guilty?" He raised his brows, his stare piercing.

"Wash up before you come down," she rose from bed and began making it, "you smell like a dead rat." She giggled mischievously.

He giggled. "That's a tad too honest." He remembered why he loved her and how much he did. He put his shirt on.

She walked to him and kissed his lips. "Delicious nevertheless." She left the room.


Edith Longfeather sipped coffee with Natalie in the parlour when Adrian came inside. She was still as graceful and elegant as ever. No wonder his father was forever infatuated with her. She was his first love, and he never ceased to have affections for her despite his marriage and his romantic involvement with other women.

The two ladies turned to acknowledge his presence. Edith smiled softly while Natalie said, "Come sit, dear."

"Good morning, ladies," he said, not knowing what to do with his hands. The nearest chair, which was only a few feet away, seemed so distant if he were to walk under Edith's stare.

"Good morning, Adrian," Edith said in her congenial voice, "I hope you've been well?"

"I... I am well, m-ma'am," he replied, "thank you." He walked to the chair, avoiding her eyes, and sought refuge in it.

"Would you like some coffee?" Natalie asked, rising to pour him some. He wanted none, knowing well it would be difficult to swallow.

Natalie handed him the cup and said, "I'll go see what Lydia and Arden are up to." She left, and Adrian was left alone with Edith.

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