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As the month went on, Seth took to fondling the large curve at almost every opportunity, often stroking and cupping it as he rested his chin on Dean's shoulder with a little sigh of content.

"Not so hard to believe now, is it?" He murmured to him with a languid smile as they lay curled up one morning, ready to fall asleep.

"Hhm." Dean breathed his affirmation, pressing their foreheads together to kiss him softly as one hand continued it's caress of the huge bulge that was their growing babies.

Their babies. There would be moments where Dean would still stop, and marvel with indescribable gratitude at where he was, how all this was even possible - especially after all that had happened...

And all that he'd done.

Their children were a miracle of their new lives bestowed upon them much like everything else in the past months - the very manifestation itself of how their lives had melded together, half his, half Seth's - a precious, precious miracle Seth had fathered and that he was now carrying within him.

There had never been a thought more humbling and warming, or terrifying and thrilling in his entire life.

Dean's hand rested at the nape of his husband's neck as he returned the kiss, slow and gentle like his husband's caresses, and after a moment Seth found himself whispering. "Do you think... I'll be able to hear anything...?"

There was a fluttering of blue eyelids as Dean opened them again, smiling as his hand moved to trace under Seth's chin. "Why don't you find out?"

So Seth shifted, carefully, and Dean moved a little to accommodate him as he slipped the black silk covers slowly aside. In the gentle sunlight that seeped in through the curtain, it made Dean's skin seem to glow, next to the firm rounding of his large stomach. Seth gave a loving lick to the belly, before letting his lips brush across his belly and bestowing a feathered, reverent kiss to the womb.

When he finally turned to press a ear gingerly against it, Dean's hands were running gently through his hair which was down, and Seth's gaze upward was met with soft baby blue eyes.

He'd just been curious and hadn't really expected to hear much, though, and the smile his wife gave him after reading his face told him that he hadn't been expecting anything exceptional either....

But there was the sound that the father had been waiting to hear... Besides just the cushion of water gurgling coupled with little noises being made by Dean's stomach...

He could hear their heartbeats.

A smile etched across his face as he listened intently. It was a moment he would cherish for eternity.

Everything was just wonderful, and Seth smiled back and turned slightly to brush another kiss on his belly, purring with content. Then he shifted to find a more comfortable position and closed his eyes as he continued to listen. There was a soft laugh from Dean as his hand continued to lovingly stroke his head, and Seth let the rhythmic heartbeats of his children and their constant motions slowly lull him to sleep.

"Seth?" Dean asked eventually.

"Hmm?" The groggy father managed to ask.

"What was your meeting about in Egypt?"

The Alpha king yawned, flashing his pearly whites, before sleepily answering:

"We've finished the construction of the Space Vortex Colony and are almost complete with The IBLISS Trigger... That way, we can finally win the war."

"Huh?" Dean blinked. "What are you talking about?"

All Dean got was a soft snore from his sleeping mate.

His Vampiric Alpha (Ambrollins)Where stories live. Discover now