season 2

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Juvia pov

He then smiled and went to talk to Erza.I wonder what he wanted to talk about?i went back to lucy."soooooo"lucy said."so what?"i answered back.she sighed then said "so what did he want"i just said nothing and changed the subject.

Gray pov

I saw her going back to lucy.i asked Erza some questions on what girls like juvia liked.she just answered with " girls like her just want her man to be happy with her".

I then looked to juvia blushing.she looked so cute.i just want to kiss her.

"Gray your clothes!" I heard cana and then i jumped up and went to look for my clothes.

Later at the park

Juvia pov

When i arrived at the park i saw gray laying down and looking at the sky.i started to walk to him.he say me and then got up.

Gray pov

I saw juvia and then got up right away.My hands stared to get sweating and i knew right away i was so nerves.

She stoped in front of me waiting for me to say something."juvia i would always see you trying to get me to notice you"i then started to blush. "I promised you that i will give you my answer when you woke up and so my question is" i then graved both of her hands in mine then said "w-will you be my g-girlfriend."

Again sorry it is so short.

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