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When I met Dr. Jung for the second time, there was no metal bar almost hitting me. Instead, he was seated at the desk, concentrated on the device in front of him that I instantly recognized as the device that started this mess.

"Hello." His voice called for my attention from the device to his eyes.

"Hello." I smile, slowly walking towards him. "I'm Maisie Kang and you must be Dr. Jung."

He removes his slender fingers from the device, sliding off the latex gloves as he stands to his feet. "Yes. Nice to meet you."

Still so sweet and warm.

I smile, staying silent as I rock back and fourth on my heels. After begging the chief to let me take my intern exam today rather than tomorrow, I was determined to find Hobi. But as I stand in front of him, I'm lost for words. What was I supposed to tell him?

Hey, I'm from the future. I traveled back in time with the device on the table in front of you and I need you to fix it!

Yeah, no.

"Oh, uh- I need more research lab hours and the chief planned on putting me on your service soon. I-I just wanted to introduce myself and take a look at what you're working on— if that's alright, of course." I smile nervously after realizing I had been rambling.

When his heart shaped lips part into his radiant smile, I feel relived. He softly laughs, nodding his head. "You're cute." I smile, feeling nostalgic as the words easily slip from his mouth like he had done before. He waves his hand, calling me over.

"This," his delicate hands hold the device in his hands. "is the future."

And the words are exactly the same from before. It was like everything, yet nothing had changed.

I must have come off as eager or a know it all when I finished his speech about the future of medicine due to his device. He seemed so pleased and appreciated, and I did appreciate his work, but, this time, my interest steamed from the problem his device created.

Nonetheless, I was just as eager as him to get this device up and running. I even decided to speak to the chief then and there about allowing me to catch up on my research hours by spending the next few weeks with Hobi rather than my previous rotation that consisted of me spending only Monday's and Wednesday with Hobi. The day was filled random bursts of excitement as we achieved new levels of ideas while our minds worked together. By the time night had come, my stomach was growling annoyingly, begging for food.

Luckily, Hobi called it a day and we walked out of the hospital building to continue sharing our ideas. It mainly consisted of me throwing out ideas that we had done before as bait for him to catch and feed on for us to proceed in that direction. He must have thought I was a genius, but really, I had gone through the whole process already with his leadership and guidance.

"Good night, Dr. Jung." I smile, waving goodbye.

"It's Hobi." He winks before he walks in the opposite direction.

I smile down at my feet, walking away. A high pitched whistle is carried through the wind, meeting my ears and pleading for attention. My ear perched up and my head raised at the sound. My eyes locked with black, twinkling eyes that instantly put a smile to my face— I didn't understand why, but it did.

Jungkook leaned over his bike, his helmet hanging from the handle bars. He straightened his posture when I strutted towards him, a cocky smile painting his lips.

"Hi." I say just above a whisper. 

"Hurry, baby-"

"Nuh-uh." I shake my head, crossing my arms over my chest and his smile flattens across his lips.

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