Part 1 Awakening

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Noises I hadn't heard in a very long time.


Hearing mothers voice my mind began to rush. And yet I was very still and unmoving. I began to hear screaming and smelled the stench of fire.

And I really hated fire. It was my deepest fear and I wanted to run. Though I could not move.


I could hear fighting and screaming. And how I wanted it to be the enemies screams but it was her.

Mother Akasha.

"Sweet Nepheret forgive me. My sweet child. I have tried to protect you. I did all for you my Nephi."

Mothers words lingered in my mind. It was so cold where I was yet I smelled so much fire. It was rising and molten. I could not cry tears.

It was pure agony.

"Mother." Is all I could muster in my mind. I felt her arms wrapped around me yet she was not here in this cold place.

The fighting continued and the shouting.

"Lestat finish her." An old one shouted.

A stunning creature with smokey eyes and long hair like a stunning angel lunged for her. His teeth bare and his hands to ensnare her.


They all came for her.


"Nepheret a war is coming. He will be coming for you my sweet girl."

"He?" My mind used all of its energy to send back.

I could feel her deteriorating and watched as they all drank from mother.

I was scared.

A faint image of a man with wings appeared in my mind and disappeared.

"I love you Nephi." The words whispered pass in my mind as I felt her slip away.


There was suddenly a great silence in the cold. My body is still and my eyes were shut. There was a rustling of conversation above and...digging.

More voices.

"Akasha put her here. I am sure of it. I saw it when I drank of her Lestat." An older one stated in anguish.

"What if it was for a reason Marius. It could be dangerous. We don't know why Akasha would do this to her own child. How long has she been in the deep rest." A man with softer tone said in response.

I could smell his fear mixed with my own. Maybe he could smells mines too.

"It's better to face this head on and find out what secrets Akasha has been hiding."

They were silent for a moment. The old ones.

"Fine. Dig her up." The softer tone one said.

I began to feel something inside me stir. Replaying mothers words in my head. Beware of him she said. The man with the wings.

"Stand back." One said.

Suddenly I began to smell oxygen. I began to hear the rustle of sand and dirt lift. The corners around me began to shift upward then just as quickly all went still.

"Marvelous isn't it. Made for the burial of a princess. There is so much magnificent detail."

"Enough time for admiration later dear Marius. It is time to open to reveal what's in side."

"N-E-P-H-E-R-E-T" One whispered my name.

"Interesting." A female voice stated in a low soft tone.

"Open it now!"

I could hear what was above me begin to shift. The sound creaked and squealed and ray of smokey light beat on my closed eyes.


"Stunning just as her mother."

I felt someone stand over me and stroke my face.

"Yes she is." A male voice whispered wet began to trickle on my lips. It smelled of honey. A sweet honey I had long lost the thought of. Licking my lips slowly I couldn't help but groan.

"Now drink." It began to flow down my lips and down my neck. The sweet honey a waterfall in my throat. My whole body began to tingle with fire and my arms in hands moved to grip harder. Such sweet release.

Deeper and deeper everywhere as it filled corners of me that felt empty for so long.

"Yes that's it." He whispered as I felt his stroke the hair from my face. Feeling my eyes begin to flutter and my heart begin to stir. The light begin to register in my eyes and the outlines of these old ones begin to form.

"Well hello there little Nepheret. Welcome to the new world. I am Lestat and we have so much to discuss don't we." His smokey eyes pierced into mine and the beautiful angelic face was so close.

The last face my mother saw was so close to me now.

"She won't be able to speak yet until she feeds on human blood. She seems to be stronger than a normal immortal." An older one began go motion towards the one embracing me.

"Hello Nepheret. I am Marius and I have watched over your mother for a long time. It is nice to make your acquaintance."

"Hello I am Pandora. I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

I still lay in a frozen state still in fear as the stunning old one who took my mother's life held on to me.

"Well then we should get her back to the castle. Once she's fed and has sleep and rest. We do not want to scare her."

Who were these old ones and what did they want with me. Why couldn't I move? What was that sweet honey that seeped through every starving vein I didn't know I had.

I felt my body being exchanged to another arms. Making a steady guess is was this other Marius character.

Moving feet and the rushing of air flea by as if we were birds.

And suddenly he began to croon a song. A song my mother sung to me when I was young in the halls of Amenti. How I wish I could cry.

How I wish I could weep for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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