The beginning...

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Every story has a beginning. Ours consisted of moments that I will cherish for a very long time. It was not love at first sight. It was months of doubt and fear of love. When I finally decided that I was starting to catch feelings for you, I was terrified that your arms would not be ready. Love was a word and feeling that I was always scared of but as I let my guard crumble for you, I knew that I would be in safe hands. Being with you filled me with happiness that I have not felt before. Being away from you filled me with sadness that I have not felt before. In a short span of time, you suddenly became my everything in life. My mornings, my afternoons, and my nights. I wanted to feel nothing else but you. You became my safe haven and my protector from all the bad things in my life. You were my drug, an addiction. But I should have realized sooner that addictions never had happy endings.

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