Chapter 29

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Chapter 29:

Dane’s POV:

I can’t believe that son of a bitch! You do not bully my little sis, then fall in love with her, get her pregnant, and then drop her like a sack of potatoes. This Harry Styles is going to regret he ever did that to her! That is when I pulled up to my uncle’s house. The valet took my pick-up truck as I jumped out and ran inside.

“Hello Dane,” Uncle Simon greeted me. I just gave him a small wave and kept walking because I knew where my sister would be. I ran into the one living room where sat Rands and a couple of her friends. There was Eleanor, Danielle, a new girl I think her name is Sophie, and Amelia, who I guess is pregnant. Miranda updated me so yeah.

Then I spotted Louis, Liam, Zayn, Niall, and the sick twisted bastard, Harry. Miranda noticed me which made Amelia look up. “Dane?!?” She asked with shock in her voice. I just laughed a little because the guys don’t really remember me. I lived with Uncle Simon when I went to high school and college.

“Who are you?” Niall asked and then all the other boys nodded their heads. I started to smirk and replied, “I’m Dane, Miranda’s older and protective brother. So, now that we have the introductions finished, time to do what I came here to do.”

“Da-,” Miranda started to say, but she was too late. I lunged at Harry, who knew what was coming. He punched me in the face, wrong move. I punched him in the stomach and then the face. I was about to do more, but my sister’s scream caught me off guard to get kicked in the stomach. Miranda ran over and helped me up from the ground.

There was yelling and I could see the guys try to pull Harry off of me. Then he did something I would definately kill him for. He ran over and kissed my sister on the lips. He tried to deepen the kiss, but she wasn't responding and I kind of yanked him off her.

“I DON’T WANT YOU ANYWHERE NEAR MY SISTER!” I yelled at Harry and then I tried to hit him again, but Miranda stepped in front of me. Harry looked at her like she was an angel, well she is one in my eyes, but I have to give her the news I learned about before I came here. I swear if he does anything to her I will kill him.

“Miranda, Mom pasted away today.”

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