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I'm on a roll today! I think I've decided how it's going to end and I hope this goes well. Maybe writing a sequel.


Finn's POV



                                                                                Just like injuries

                                                                          You bleed and it hurts

                                                                        But it could also be pain

                                                                              Pain from the past

                                                                           Or pain in your heart

                                                                                 Mine was Pain

                                                              From the one whom I love the most

"You know it's been a month since we've dated"

"Yeah? Time passes by quickly"

"We also haven't done anything"

"What do you mean?"

"You know....things"

"What things?"

"Do you want me to say it out loud?"

"Yes since clearly english is so hard for me to comprehend" I rolled my eyes

"I'm talking about sex, Finn"

"Are you serious? It's only been a month and you're already talking about sex"

"Yeah well I'm a hormonal teenager.What do you expect?"

"Well I expect some respect cause until I say I'm ready, we aren't doing anything"

"You're so selfish"


"What do you mean I'm selfish, you're so inconsiderate"

"I gave you so much and I didn't get much in return.You can't even give me sex.You know what? I'm gonna go now" he said as he left me,standing there, hurt and in pain

Does love hurt? Is it suppose to be painful? If not, then why does it make me cry?

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